
🔫 Pew pew needless GitHub repos from your CLI!


Installation and Usage

To install the latest version of github-pewpew CLI, run this command:

npm i -g github-pewpew

To quickly start using it, run the following command:


Available commands:

ghpew repos
ghpew codespaces
ghpew help


Have you ever had too much fun with the GitHub API and ended up creating too many dummy repos? Me too 😅!

I made this little CLI tool to clean up repositories quickly. I'm planning to add some flags and regexp to delete in bulk in the future. Let me know if that sounds interesting to you.

Do you want to know more? Visit the official website.


The important parts of the project are the following:

├── .github                GitHub Actions workflows and repo settings
├── src
│   ├── commands
│   │   ├── codespaces.js  Contains the command to delete codespaces
│   │   └── repos.js       Contains the command to delete repos
│   ├── config.js          Contains the configuration manager
│   ├── github.js          Business logic: authentication and API calls
│   ├── ui.js              CLI interactions
│   └── utils.js           Lightweight utility functions
├── test
│   └── test.js            Test coverage with Mocha
├── .prettierrc            Code formatting configuration
├── index.js               The main thread of execution
├──              you're looking at it

To set up your environment to develop this tool, run:

  • npm install
  • node index

You can also run node index DEV=true CLIENT_ID=<YOUR_TESTING_CLIENT_ID> if you want to use your own client id for development and testing purposes.

All the tests are written with mocha and can be run with npm test.


  • TODO: --force flag to avoid confirmation
  • TODO: --regex flag to delete repos matching a regex
  • TODO: --list flag to delete repos from a comma-separated list
  • TODO: --archive and -a flag to archive repositories instead of deleting
  • TODO: ghpew gists command to delete gists

Questions? Ideas? Bugs?

If you run into any issues or you'd like to share your thoughts, feel free to open an issue in this repository or hit me up on Twitter.


Logo designed by Rapha Lopes. Thanks to @sergiou87, @zschiller, @mamuso, @anishde12020, and @jdvr for contributing with their feedback and ideas 🙇‍♂️.


The tool is available as open-source under the terms of the MIT License.