
This scraper, developed in Node.js using the Puppeteer library, is designed to scrape 100 pages, collecting approximately 8,000 records. Each record contains a quote, the writer's name, and an image link.


Goodreads quotes scraper


This scraper is straightforward and specifically designed to extract quotes from the Goodreads website. Built in Node.js using the Puppeteer library, it scrapes 100 pages at once, collecting approximately 8,000 records. Each record includes the main quote, the writer's name, and their image. Simply follow the steps provided to set up this project on your local machine, and you can modify and use it as needed.

Table of Contents



  • Scrapes quotes and image sources from Goodreads quotes pages.
  • Navigates through multiple pages of quotes.
  • Saves the collected data into a CSV file.


  • Node.js (>=14.0.0)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd goodreads_quotes scraper
  3. Install the required npm packages:

    npm install


  1. Open the Scraper_script.js file and adjust the maxPages variable if you want to scrape fewer pages. By default, it is set to scrape 100 pages.

  2. Run the script:

    node Scraper_script.js
  3. The script will navigate through the Goodreads quotes pages, scrape quotes and image sources, and save the data to quotes_and_images.csv.


  • Puppeteer Launch Options: The script launches Puppeteer in non-headless mode for debugging purposes. Change { headless: false } to { headless: true } if you want to run it in headless mode.
  • CSV File Path: The CSV file will be saved as quotes_and_images.csv in the root directory of the project.


  • Ensure you comply with Goodreads' terms of service when scraping their website.
  • This script assumes the structure of the Goodreads quotes pages remains consistent. If Goodreads updates their site, you may need to adjust the selectors used in the script.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Muhammad Noman