
GraphQL server for hackernews clone project


The goal of this project is to build an API for a Hacker News clone. Here is a quick rundown of what to expect in this project.

Main implementation

  • Simply defining a GraphQL schema for the server and writing corresponding resolver functions.

  • The database layer is powered by Prisma and will be connected to your GraphQL server via the Prisma client.

  • Implementing signup/login functionality that enables users to authenticate against the API. This will also allow you to check the permissions of your users for certain API operations.

  • Adding realtime functionality to your API using GraphQL subscriptions.

  • Allow the consumers of the API to constrain the list of items they retrieve from the API by adding filtering and pagination capabalities to it.

Technologies that used in this project

  • graphql-yoga: Fully-featured GraphQL server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience. It is built on top of Express, apollo-server, graphql-js and more.

  • Prisma: Prisma replaces traditional ORMs. Use the Prisma client to implement your GraphQL resolvers and simplify database access

  • GraphQL Playground: “GraphQL IDE” that allows to interactively explore the functionality of a GraphQL API by sending queries and mutations to it. It’s somewhat similar to Postman which offers comparable functionality for REST APIs. Among other things, a GraphQL Playground…