
Gym management app - developed as the final project for @Rocketseat's Gostack Bootcamp.

MIT License


πŸ’» Project

Gym management app, that allows the admin to manage students, plans, memberships and answer to student requests on the web app and students can check-in and create orders on the mobile app.

πŸš€ Built with

This project was developed with the following technologies:

ℹ️ How to run


To run the application you will need:

I strongly recommend using Docker to run the databases. If you decide to use docker, follow this steps to install and run the docker images.

# install Redis image
$ docker run --name imageName -p 6379:6379 -d -t redis:alpine

# install Postgres image (if you don't specify an username it will be postgres by default)
$ docker run --name imagename -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourPassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

# start Redis
$ docker start imageName

# start Postgres
$ docker start imageName


Now clone the repository and install the dependencies.

# to clone the repository
$ git clone

# go into the backend folder
$ cd gympoint/backend

#install the backend dependencies
$ yarn

In order to connect to the database, you will need to enter the access informations into a .env file, based on a .env.example file that is provided in the backend folder, change the variables according to your environment.

# run migrations
$ yarn sequelize db:migrate

# run seeds
$ yarn sequelize db:seed:all

# run api
$ yarn dev & yarn queue


# in another tab of the terminal install the frontend dependencies and run it 
$ cd frontend
$ yarn
$ yarn start

Use this credentials to access the web application


for mobile you need the Android emulator with the SDK installed or IOS emulator and the react-native cli.

# install dependencies and run the mobile
$ cd mobile
$ yarn

# first open the emulator and start the react native server
$ yarn start

# in another tab install and run the app
$ yarn android

πŸ“„ License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information

πŸ“¬ Get in touch!

Made with β˜• and ❀️ by Stefano Saffran.