
Hardware-based fingerprinting for Node and Electron

MIT License



Hardware-based fingerprint for Node and Electron


This library provides a getFingerprint() function that produces a 512-bit signature based on the host machine's hardware information, suitable for use in Electron or Node client apps that require authentication against a server. This signature is immutable as long as the underlying system is not changed, even across resets.

It uses information provided by Node's OS module and systeminformation library and has no other dependencies.

Fingerprinting info

The information used for fingerprinting is:

  • Operating system EOL (LF / CR+LF) and endianness (LE / BE)
  • Computer manufacturer, model, serial and UUID
  • BIOS vendor, version and release date
  • Motherboard manufacturer, model and serial
  • CPU manufacturer, brand, maximum speed, socket and number of cores and physical cores
  • Total memory
  • Platform and architecture
  • HDDs model and serial

The library exports a constant FINGERPRINTING_INFO. This is an object that contains the raw information available for fingerprinting.


getFingerprint() returns a Node Buffer containing the 512-bit fingerprint. The returned buffer is internally cached, so the actual implementation gets called just once.

import { getFingerprint } from 'hw-fingerprint'

const fingerprint = getFingerprint() /* Buffer */

To get the raw fingerprinting parameters, import { FINGERPRINTING_INFO } from 'hw-fingerprint'.

It is possible to filter on which parameters are actually used for fingerprint calculation:

const fingerprint = getFingerprint({ 
    only: [ /* ... */ ],  // If specified, **only** these parameters will be taken in account
    except: [ /* ... */ ] // If specified, these parameters will **not** be taken in account

The available parameters' names are the same as Object.keys(FINGERPRINTING_INFO):

    'EOL', 'endianness', 'manufacturer', 'model', 
    'serial', 'uuid', 'vendor', 'biosVersion', 
    'releaseDate', 'boardManufacturer', 'boardModel', 'boardSerial', 
    'cpuManufacturer', 'brand', 'speedMax', 'cores', 
    'physicalCores', 'socket', 'memTotal', 'platform', 
    'arch', 'hdds' 

This same list can be retrieved through the FINGERPRINTING_PARAMETERS constant export:

import { FINGERPRINTING_PARAMETERS } from 'hw-fingerprint'

Each combination of parameters will generate a different fingerprint. As long as the same set of parameters is always used, the fingerprint will always be the same, even if the order in which they are provided changes.

Every fingerprint generated gets cached internally, so calling getFingerprint() repeatedly with the same parameters is very cheap.

Upgrade v2.x -> v3.x

Back at v2.x, getFingerprint() was asynchronous, because the fingerprinting information depended on asynchronous functions.

v3.x addresses this by raising the Node.js to a version that supports top-level await. This makes the FINGERPRINTING_INFO readily available in top-level and allows for synchronous fingerprinting. Despite this, the getFingerprint() function signature is backwards compatible and the getFingerprintingInfo() function is still available.

The major breaking change in this release is dropping CJS in favour of ESM. Top-level await is only available in ES modules and I feel like it is necessary to push this boundary further already.

Also, fingerprinting parameter endianess (v2.x) was corrected to spell endianness.