
An NPM package for node which takes image path and finds and decodes QR codes in it. The only node package which supports/decodes multiple QR codes in a single image.


Image QR Code Scanner

An NPM package for node which takes image path and finds and decodes QR codes in it. The only package which supports/decodes multiple QR codes in a single image.


✅ No node dependencies (yes. literally none.)

✅ Scans multiple QR in one image

✅ Real world tested


  1. Install python3 and pip3 in server/machine
  2. Install requirements globally using
    pip3 install pyzbar opencv-python== argparse
  3. make sure have following linux dependencies installed
    sudo apt install -y libzbar0 libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev

How to use it?

const imageScanner = require('image-qr-code-scanner')

async function main() {
    try {
        let results = await imageScanner('./images/fileWithMultipleQRs.jpg')
    } catch (error) {


There are lot of other packages. Why did you created this one?

I have used and tested several in production but none of them was able to give me results what I wanted which was accurate results and multiple QR scanning in image. So, I created this one and used python in it as it was more mature and accurate libraries for this use case.

Will you regularly update this library?

Yes. I will be keeping tabs on this one.

I found a bug what should I do?

Create a new issue. I will take a look at it.

I don't want to use your package. What other option do I have?

Several actually. all comes with it's own pros and cons

  • qr-scanner A web based QR code scanner
  • QRCodeScanner another web based QR code scanner ported from Java
  • jsQR this one can be used as both as node package and also as a web based node package

None of the above can scan multiple QR codes from one image(I think. package may have been updated since I last tested).

Special thanks !!

Special thanks to Pavan Mehta he wrote initial python code.