
A blogging platform using MongoDB Atlas, Express and Node.js.


Blogging Platform

A blogging platform using MongoDB Atlas, Express and Node.js.


See Demo deployed on Render

Core features

  • using Model–View–Controller (MVC) design pattern.
  • handling routes with Express.
  • handling views with Embedded JavaScript templates (EJS).
  • validating user data with validator.
  • adding registered users to MongoDB Atlas and hashing passwords with bcryptjs.
  • using promises and async/await method.
  • managing connected users with express-session.
  • storing sessions with connect-mongo.
  • displaying error/success messages with connect-flash.
  • displaying profile picture with Gravatar and generating image urls with md5.
  • performing CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) using MongoDB Atlas for posts.
  • displaying profile with the latest posts published by author.
  • handling markdown in posts with marked.
  • sending email notifications with Sendgrid API.
  • sanitizing data posted by users with sanitize-html.
  • preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) with csurf.

Live Search Feature

  • bundling front-end JavaScript with Webpack and Babel.
  • handling key press events with setTimeout().
  • sending search requests to the server with Axios.
  • creating an index in MongoDB Atlas and building a search request to the database.
  • sanitizing results with DOMPurify.

Follow Feature

  • handling follow and unfollow features on author profile.
  • storing followed users in the database.
  • retrieving followers and followed users from the database.
  • counting posts, followers and followed users with await Promise.all() and countDocuments().
  • displaying a feed on the dashboard with the latest posts published by followed users.

Live Chat

  • handling realtime communication between web clients and server with Socket.IO.
  • sending messages with emit() and waiting for messages with on().
  • broadcasting messages with socket.broadcast.emit().
  • displaying usernames and avatars in the live chat with express-session.
  • sanitizing messages with sanitize-html (server-side) and DOMPurify (client-side).

Live Validation

  • displaying errors on the fly for registration form with regex.
  • checking if username and email are already in the database with Axios.
  • performing a last check before submitting the form.


  • granting access to the API with JSON Web Tokens (/api/login).
  • enabling routes for creating (/api/create-post) and deleting posts (/api/post/:id) through the API.
  • enabling public GET requests to retrieve posts by author (/api/posts-by-author/:username).
  • handling Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).


  • deploying on Render.

Based on Learn JavaScript: Full-Stack from Scratch by Brad Schiff (2019).

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