
System for an airport to be used as a REST API, where you can manage and search for lost products




The Lost and Found project is a system designed to manage lost and found items within an airport. The system allows two distinct types of users: agents and passengers. Agents have the ability to list, create, and delete lost items, while a passenger is able to report his loss (e.g. by describing the product).


Agent Functionalities:

  • List Lost Items: Agents can view all lost items in the system.
  • Create Lost Items: Agents can report new lost items by providing necessary details.
  • Delete Lost Items: Agents can remove items from the system that are no longer relevant.

Passenger Functionalities:

  • Search Lost Items: Passengers can search for lost items using keywords such as description, brand, color, and lost time.

Authentication and Authorization

  • Authentication: Users (both agents and passengers) are authenticated using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
  • Upon registration or login, users receive a token that must be included in the Authorization header for secured endpoints.
  • Authorization: Agents are authorized to perform actions like listing, creating, and deleting lost items.
  • Passengers are authorized only to search for lost items.

How It Works

Registration and Login:

  • Users (agents and passengers) can register and log in to the system.
  • Upon successful login, a JWT is issued which includes the user's role (agent or passenger).


  • Authentication middleware checks the validity of the JWT and retrieves the user information.
  • Authorization middleware ensures that users have the appropriate role to perform the requested action.


  • POST /api/users/register : Creates a user account
  • POST /api/users/login: Receives the user's credentials (typically username and password) and, if the information is valid, returns an authentication token or user information.
  • GET /api/lost-items : Lists all lost items (for agents).
  • GET /api/lost-items/:id : Look for a specific item by id.
  • POST /api/lost-items : Creates a new lost item (for agents).
  • DELETE /api/lost-items/ : Deletes a lost item (for agents).

Use cases

  • US1: as an agent, I want to list all lost items
  • US2: as an agent, I want to create a lost item
  • US3: as an agent, I want to find a particular item
  • US4: as a passanger, I want to look for my item
  • US5: as a agent, I want to delete a particular item

Getting Started

To get started with this project, follow these steps:

To set up the project locally, you will need:

  • Node.js: Server-side JavaScript runtime.
  • Express.js: Web framework for Node.js.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing lost item data.
  • JWT: JSON Web Tokens for secure authentication and authorization.
  • Mongoose: ODM library for MongoDB and Node.js.
  • Postman.
  1. Install Node.js locally with Homebrew:
brew install node
  1. If you haven't installed MongoDB yet, you'll need to install it on your system.
  • You can download it from the official MongoDB website: MongoDB Download Center
  • If you installed MongoDB using Homebrew, run the following command:
brew services start mongodb-community
  • Without starting the MongoDB service, your application wouldn’t be able to connect to the database since MongoDB wouldn't be running.
  1. Install postman locally : go to the official Postman website

  2. Clone the repository:

  1. On the root of this repo, run the following command to install dependencies:
npm install
  1. On the root of this repo, run the following command to run the application:
npm start

Some of my Results

You can see Documentation in Postman here

![Database JSON.png](images/Database JSON.png) authError.png delete.png listItems.png loginAgent.png passengerSearch.png

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