
A simple blog engine for personal blogging

MIT License


🏡 meblog

A simple blog engine for personal blogging


Table of contents

Have a quick taste

npm install --save meblog

npx meblog init

npx meblog sample --number-of-posts=20

npx meblog serve


  • Simple and fast as you always want.
  • Edit the code or posts and see the change immediately with the support of browser-sync.
  • Support different styles of post url.
  • Built-in static site generator for pages, posts and tag pages.
  • Built-in RSS feed generator
  • Support event hooks to customize build process
  • Support i18n out-of-the-box
  • Love how simple and powerful pug template is? meblog is the right tool for you.

Template project structure

The project makes use of pug for templating, scss for styling and gulpjs for generating the site and automating the process.

  • templates: Template files
    • templates/pages: Add new pages here
    • templates/posts: Add new post layout here. By default, post.pug will be used as default layout for posts
    • templates/tags:
      • templates/tags/tag.pug: Default tag template for rendering tag pages
  • scss: SCSS styling files
    • scss/main.scss: Main entry point of scss files, the engine will generate this file to main.css on building.
  • assets: Put your images, favicon, and other resources here
  • posts: Put your posts in markdown format here. Ideally, arrange your posts into year and month folders for better searching.
  • config.js: Config file for the site
  • i18n: Put translation files for i18n here

How to create new post

Simply run meblog draft or create a new file in folder posts using the below format:

title: This is the post title
publishedAt: 2021-05-15T18:04:00+07:00 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ)
tags: tag1, tag2
excerpt: Some thoughts about the growing journey
layout: ... (post is default layout for rendering posts page, but you can defined new layout in templates/posts folder)
language: en 
customfield: Custom field will also be parsed and loaded into post object
Post body goes here

The file name post-name will be used as post slug.

Preview your post while editing

Run the command meblog serve and start editing your post then hit the save button if you want to see the change.

Set the auto saving interval to 2s in your editor for better editing experience. (As far as I know, Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ-based IDEs have this feature 😄)


Put all configurations in config.js file, then all the data in this file will be available to use in the pug templates. But there are some configurations that you need understand why do we have it.

  • baseUrl: This will be the host url that you're about to deploy to, eg: or It's not required for the site to work properly. But if you care about sharing your posts on Facebook, this property will be used to calculate the url in meta tags for the purpose of SEO or sharing your posts on social media or generate RSS feed.
  • baseContext: If you want to deploy the site on a sub directory like https:/ Then set it's value as blog.
  • postUrlStyle: The engine can generate different styles of post url, choose your favorite one.
    • POSTS_SLUG: ../posts/hello-world.html (default)
    • POSTS_YEAR_MONTH_SLUG: ../posts/2021/05/hello-world.html
    • POSTS_YEAR_SLUG: ../posts/2021/hello-world.html
    • YEAR_MONTH_SLUG: ../2021/05/hello-world.html
    • YEAR_SLUG: ../2021/hello-world.html
    • SLUG: ../hello-world.html

Template variables

Global variables

  • locale: Current rendering locale
  • allPosts: List of all posts include every locales, a post can also be accessed by its slug using allPosts[post-slug].
  • posts: List of posts of current rendering locale
  • tags: List of available tags
  • templateName: Name of current rendering template
  • formatDateTime: A function taking a date and locale as inputs, output formatted date time follow dateTimeFormat config
  • formatDate: A function taking a date and locale as inputs, output formatted date follow dateFormat config
  • rootUrl: A function taking a path and locale as inputs, ouput an absolute url of the site
  • url: A function taking a path and locale as inputs, output a relative url from current baseContext config
  • postRootUrl: A function taking post object as input, output an absolute url of the post
  • postUrl: A function taking post object as input, output a relative url of the post
  • tagRootUrl: A function taking tag name and locale as inputs, output an absolute url of the tag
  • tagUrl: A function taking tag name and locale as inputs, output a relative url of the tag
  • And all properties from exported object in config.js will be available as global variables (eg: baseUrl, siteName, ...)

Post layout template variables

Variable listed here is only available in post layout template in folder templates/posts

  • post: Current rendering post object

Tag template variables

Variables listed here are only available in tag template in folder templates/tags

  • tag: Current rendering tag name
  • postsByTag: List of post tagged with current rendering tag of current rendering locale

Event hooks

By default, the engine only processes pug tempate to html pages and scss to css. What if you need to write some JavaScript or even TypeScript and want those scripts to be bundle into one file or hot reload the script files on change when designing the site?

This is when event hooks come into play. Let me first explain about the build process of meblog.

The build process

Both meblog serve and meblog build commands will trigger the build process when running, the only different is the former uses dev enviroment, and the latter uses prod enviroment.

When the build process is running, a series of tasks will be triggered one by one.

  • CleanCache: Clean cache
  • Clean: Clean output directory
  • Build: Build the site
    • CopyAssets: Copy assets to output directory
    • LoadData: Parsing and loading posts from markdown format to javascript object.
    • GenerateTemplates: Generate templates
      • GeneratePages: Generate pages
      • GeneratePosts: Generate posts
      • GenerateTags: Generate tags
    • GenerateRssFeed: Generate RSS feed
    • GenerateCSS: Generate CSS
  • OnServe: Starting local development server & watching file changes (only in meblog serve command)

For each task, the engine will emit one event named BEFORE:TaskName before running the task and one event named AFTER:TaskName after the task is finished running. Therefore, in order to hook into the build process, we simply need to listen to those events and do some customization.

Listen to the events

For example, we need to write some javascript in js/main.js then want to minify and copy this file to output directory after GenereteCss task.

// in config.js file

const gulp = require('gulp');
const minify = require('gulp-minify');

module.exports = {
    eventRegister(emitter) {
        emitter.on('AFTER:GenerateCss', () => {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                const prod = !this.config.devMode;
                let stream = gulp.src('./js/main.js');
                if (prod) {
                    stream = stream.pipe(minify());

                    .on('end', resolve);


The project uses package i18n-node to implement i18n.

Put translation files in folder i18n and update config.js for which locales you want to support.

// in config.js file

module.exports = {
    defaultLocale: 'en', // Default language of the site, default: en
    locales: ['en', ...] // A list of the language that you want to support, default ['en']

In pug template, i18n translate functions are available to use. Supported translate functions: __, __n, __l, __h, __mf.

By default, all posts are belong to the defaultLocale, use language meta field to define language for a post in markdown file.

Deploy your site on Github

  1. Put all your posts in folder posts.
  2. Run meblog build, your site will be generated into folder docs, use option --outdir if you want the build to be generated somewhere else.
  3. Commit the files & push your commit to Github.
  4. Enable Github Pages, make sure to choose /docs as the source folder.
  5. Enjoy the result! 🍺

Websites built with meblog


  • We embrace all the contributions to our hearts. So don't hesitate to shoot a pull request.
  • If you spot any problems or have any ideas to improve meblog, let's discuss it here!
