
🔱 Javascript's God Mode. No VM. No Bytecode. No GC. Just native binaries.

MIT License


NectarJS becomes Nerd

Compile JavaScript and NerdLang in native binaries.

What is NerdLang

NerdLang is a substract of JS with some additions, focus on efficiency.

Nerd is a JavaScript native compiler aiming to make JavaScript universal, Nerd is able to compile native apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Raspberry, STM32 and more.

Nerd is in active development, join us on Discord if you need more information.

Main objectives

  • Supporting EcmaScript 3 standard (then 5, 6 ...)
  • Supporting NodeJS and NPM ecosystem
  • Supporting a maximum of platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Arduino, ...)
  • Being secure
  • Embeding debuging tools
  • Compile everything that can be transpiled in JS: Ruby (Opal), Python (Transcript, Brython, JavaScrypthon), TypeScript ...

Get started


Install GCC/CLang for your platform

You can also install Linux for Windows and use a linux system on Windows

You need MinGW with POSIX threads

  • Linux / FreeBSD Install it with your distro (apt install gcc, yum install gcc, ...). You can use GCC, CLANG, as well as any derivative of those compilers (arm-gcc ...)

  • Apple iOS Install xCode and you are ready.

You can check your installation with npm start njs_test


Simplest way to use Nerd:

nerd file.js /

The output file name will be automatically chosen regarding the target. You can specify another output with -o something.out

You can select a preset

nerd file.js --preset [none|speed|size]

You can also run the compiled executable just after compilation using --run:

nerd file.js --run

You can enable the quiet mode with --quiet:

nerd file.js --quiet

Changing the stack size (useful on Windows):

nerd --stack 10000000 flood.js

For more informations about compilation output, use --verbose

For help, use --help


  • Need update

Compiled with GCC v10.2.0 on Windows

NodeJS v12.8.1 QuickJS 2020-07-05 Nerd v0.6.104
sort(1e6) [No preset]
- Time: 0.33s - 0.33s
- Memory: 7.0Mb - 1.0Mb
- Filesize: 28.6Mb - 424Kb
sort(1e6) [+Size preset]
- Filesize: 28.6Mb - 260Kb
sort(1e6) [+Speed preset]
- Time: 0.33s - 0.20s
matrix(256) [No preset]
- Time: 0.33s - 0.21s
- Memory: 7.0Mb - 1.0Mb
- Filesize: 28.6Mb - 405Kb
matrix(256) [+Size preset]
- Filesize: 28.6Mb - 251Kb
matrix(1e6) [+Speed preset]
- Time: 0.33s - 0.11s
  • Some code can be evaluated compile-time

Supported platforms

Actively tested for

  • Windows
    • win-x86-32
    • win-x86-64
  • Linux
    • linux-x86-32
    • linux-x86-64
    • linux-arm32v7
  • Arduino
    • arduino-nano
    • arduino-uno
    • arduino-mega1280
    • arduino-mega2560
  • STM32 Nucleo
    • nucleo-l152re
    • nucleo-l432kc
    • nucleo-f446re
  • Mobile
    • android
  • Web
    • wasm
    • wast
    • asm-js
  • macOS
  • Sun OS


This project is in heavy development and a lot features are not implemented yet.

ECMAScript Support

Nerd already supports more than 80% of ES3.

  • .call()
  • .bind()
  • .length
  • .push(value)
  • constructor
  • methods
  • static methods
  • .log(variadic)
  • .parse(str)
  • .stringify(obj)
  • [All static methods and constants]
  • .keys
  • timeOrigin
  • .now()
  • .length
  • .toString()
  • .indexOf(needle)
  • .lastIndexOf(needle)
  • .search(needle)
  • .slice(start, end)
  • .substring(start, end)
  • .substr(start, end)
  • .replace(needle, str)
  • for
  • while / do while
  • if / else if / else
  • try / catch / finally
  • function / lambda
  • class
  • new
  • typeof
  • instanceof
  • undefined
  • null
  • Infinite
  • NaN / isNaN
  • true / false