
Experimental pybind11 clone for Node.js using C++17 fold expressions

ISC License



Experimental next-gen binding framework for Node.js / Node-API inspired by pybind11

Inspired by pybind11 and embind, in turn inspired by the groundbreaking Boost.Python.

This framework is designed around C++17 fold expressions.

It has one defining characteristic that sets it apart from pybind11 and embind - every wrapper is statically generated at compile time and has no run-time state. All the state information is constexpr and it is encoded in the template parameters. The wrappers are instantiated by obtaining a pointer to the wrapper function.

This allows for both a (slightly) better performance and code simplicity.

The unit tests run on:

  • g++ 9.4 on Linux (the default compiler on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • clang 13 on macOS (the default compiler on macOS 11)
  • MSVC 19.29 on Windows (Visual Studio 16.11 aka 2019)

However because of edge cases when it comes to C++17 support, the recommended compiler versions are:

  • g++ 10.5 on Linux (the alternative choice on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • clang 13 on macOS (the default compiler on macOS 11)
  • MSVC 19.37 on Windows (Visual Studio 17.7 aka 2022) on Windows

It is meant as an easy to use entry-level light-weight binding framework for simple projects that target only Node.js.

Complex projects should continue to use SWIG which is cross-platform and cross-language.

Currently, the project should be considered of a recent release quality.

The first npm module to use it is @mmomtchev/ffmpeg, you can check it for advanced usage examples.

A future compatible layer should allow to target both embind and nobind17 with shared declarations.

Full pybind11 compatibility is also a very long term goal - allowing a module to support both Node.js and Python.

You can use nobind-example-project and hadron-nobind-example-project as a template for creating a new nobind17 based project using node-gyp or hadron as build system.

Comparison vs SWIG Node-API

Feature SWIG Node-API nobind17
Design goal Create bindings for (almost) any C++ code with (almost) native feel Easy to use, easy to learn
Target use Commercial-grade bindings for large C++ libraries Very fast porting of C++ code with few methods/classes
Method of operation Custom C++ header compiler, uses its own interface language, generates C++ code Collection of C++ templates to be included in the project
Method of using Must write metaprogramming code Must enumerate the binded methods using C++ syntax
C++ requirements C++11 C++17 with some features such as wrapping of lambdas requiring C++20
C++ types No function pointers No enum and functions pointers
C++ preprocessing integration Yes, can expose macros to JS No
Buffers / ArrayBuffers / TypedArrays Yes Only Buffers for now
STL Complete, supports both JS using C++ STLs without copying and C++ using JS types with copying Limited, all passing of STL arguments is by copying
Async Automatic Automatic
Async locking Yes, with automatic dead-lock prevention Not in 1.0
Smart pointers Yes Not in 1.0, but planned
TypeScript support Yes, automatic No, must write the typings
ES6 named exports for all C/C++ functions Yes, automatic No, must write it
WASM/Browser support Yes Not in 1.0, but planned through embind compatibility
Cross-platform Yes Yes
Cross-language Yes, most dynamic languages An eventual abstraction layer between nobind17, embind and pybind11 is planned in theory
Exposing C++ inheritance to JavaScript Yes, automatic with implicit downcasting support Yes, but no downcasting support and instanceof requires a small kludge in the JavaScript wrapper (see here)
Overloading Yes Only for constructors, overloaded methods must be renamed to be usable in JS
Optional arguments Yes, automatic Yes, manual
Complex argument transformations (for example C++ expects (char**, size_t*) as input argument, JS expects Buffer as returned type) Yes Only n:1 transformations of input arguments
Custom type casters Yes Yes
Interfacing between multiple modules Yes No


nobind17 is a set of C++17 templates that must be included directly in the user project.

It is published as an npm package that will also install node-addon-api.

Starting from Node.js 18, C++17 is the default build mode for both Node.js itself and for addons. Unless you set manually NAPI_VERSION in your project, nobind17 will default to NAPI_VERSION=6 which will allow backward compatibility of the generated binary addon with Node.js 14 and later - even when using Node.js 18 as the build platform.

nobind17 is designed to be very easy to use - there is no learning curve at all - while allowing to deal with the most common situations that arise when creating bindings for C++ libraries to be used from Node.js.

The following tutorial should be enough to get you started with your C++ project.

You can also check node-ffmpeg as an example for a large project using nobind17.

The environment

Create a a binding.gyp, then create a package.json for your project and install nobind17:


  'target_defaults': {
    'includes': [
      # These are the correct compiler options
      # to enable C++ exceptions with node-gyp
  'targets': [
      'target_name': 'my-shiny-cpp-bindings',
      'sources': [
        # This is the file that contains your bindings
        # (from the tutorial below)
        # List your C++ files here
        # If you have a large library, check
        # for inspiration, it builds ffmpeg with conan
      'include_dirs': [
        '<!@(node -p "require(\'node-addon-api\').include")',
        '<!@(node -p "require(\'nobind17\').include")'
npm init # ... answer questions
npm install nobind17
cp node_modules/node-addon-api/except.gypi .

You will be building your project with node-gyp configure build. node-gyp is usually installed globally.

C++17 is the default build mode starting from Node.js 18.x. If you

Module definition

Let's try to wrap a simple C++ class:

class Hello {
  std::string name;
  Hello(const std::string &s) : name(s) {}
  std::string Greet(const std::string &s) {
    std::stringstream r;
    r << "hello " << s << " " << name_;
    return r.str();

Start by creating a module:

#include <nobind17.h>

// Define a new module
NOBIND_MODULE(my_cpp_bindings, m) {
  // Expose a C++ class called Hello
    // Include a constructor with a single const std::string & argument
    .cons<const std::string &>();

Adding methods

nobind17 supports global methods and instance and static class methods. All of them are declared by using .def():

// Expose a global function global_fn
  .cons<std::string &>()
  // Expose a class method (whether it is static or instance)
  .def(&Hello::Greet, "greet");

nobind17 will identify the type of the class method, static methods will be available through the class itself and instance methods will be available through the object instance.

A class can have multiple constructors, including a default one (use <> for its arguments). The number of arguments on the JavaScript side determine which one will be used. If there a multiple constructors expecting the same number of arguments, they will be tried in the order of their declaration - the first one which is able to convert its arguments will win.

Overloaded methods, other than constructors, must be explicitly resolved and each signature must have a different name in JavaScript.

Arguments will be automatically converted. The C++ type of the wrapped function selects the type converter. The basic types supported out of the box are:

JavaScript type C++ type
number int, short, long, unsigned, unsigned short, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long, double, float
string std::string, char *
boolean bool
object std::map<string, T> (all properties must have the same type)
Array std::vector<T> (all items must have the same type)
instances of class registered to nobind17 class object, pointers and references
Buffer std::pair<uint8_t *, size_t>
A raw V8 Napi::Value Napi::Value

Additional custom type converters can be registered by the user.

Getters and setters

Global as well as class static and instance variables can be exposed with the same type conversion rules:

// Expose a read-only global variable version
m.def<&version, Nobind::ReadOnly>("version");
  .cons<std::string &>()
  // Expose a class instance variable with getter and setter
  .def(&Hello::name, "name");

nobind17 will automatically determine if the object is a static or an instance one.

Creating wrappers and using STLs

Using STLs usually requires creating a wrapper function unless the original C++ function has been designed from the ground up to work with nobind17:

// A function that receives a JS array of Hello objects
// It calls the .Greet() method of each object
// and returns a JS array of strings
GreetAll(const std::string &title, const std::vector<Hello *> &array) {
  std::vector<std::string> r;
  for (auto obj : array) {
  return r;

NOBIND_MODULE(array, m) {
    // Include a constructor with a single std::string & argument
    .cons<std::string &>()

Used from JavaScript this function will have the following semantics:

const output = dll.greetAll('Mr', [
  new dll.Hello('Brown'),
  new dll.Hello('Orange'),
  new dll.Hello('Pink')
typeof output[0] === 'string'

std::vector can be of any supported type - including known registered object types, pointers or references to them, primitives types or any other additional custom type. nobind17 will take care to transform the pointers and the references to JS objects.

C++ exceptions

Methods that raise a C++ exception will result in a normal JavaScript exception in the JavaScript code.

Building with C++ exceptions enabled is mandatory.

Async methods

Methods can be made to run in a background thread from the libuv thread pool and to return a Promise to be resolved with the returned value:

  .def<&Hello::Greet, Nobind::ReturnAsync>("greetAsync");

Everything is fully automatic. Raising a C++ exception will reject the Promise.

Enabling async mode will allow the JS user to potentially call the C++ method while a previous invocation is still running. If the C++ method is not fully reentrant, a wrapper with a lock mechanism should be implemented.


By default, when a C++ method returns a nullptr, nobind17 will convert it to null in JavaScript. This behavior can be overridden by specifying Nobind::ReturnNullThrow as a return attribute - in this case the method will throw. If the method is asynchronous, it will reject.

Combining attributes

Attributes can be combined with operator|, however if compiling in C++17 mode (the default settings for node-gyp), only static constexpr variables can be used as non-type template arguments:

static constexpr auto myAttrs = Nobind::ReturnAsync | Nobind::ReturnOwned | Nobind::ReturnNullThrow;

In later standards this requirement has been relaxed. Also, MSVC 2019 chokes on static constexpr local function variables used as non-type template arguments with an C1001: Internal Compiler Error - use global variables if you have to support it.

Custom type converters

Custom type converters can be declared as follows:

// This example overrides the default `int` typemaps
// with typemaps that expect and return strings

// Start by including this file
#include <nooverrides.h>

namespace Nobind {
// Typemaps that will be overriding built-ins must live
// in this namespace to override
// (typemaps for new types must be in Nobind::Typemap)
namespace TypemapOverrides {

// They consist of two simple classes templated on the C++ type
// (the C++ type is the determning type)
// This one will be called whenever nobind17 needs to convert
// a JS argument to C++ int
template <> class FromJS<int> {
  int val_;

  // The first part will be called from the V8 context
  // It must import the value and store it so that it can
  // be accessed without V8
  // It must check if the JS argument is of the correct type
  inline explicit FromJS(Napi::Value val): Inputs(1) {
    if (!val.IsString()) {
      throw Napi::TypeError::New(val.Env(), "Expected a string");
    val_ = std::atoi(val.ToString().Utf8Value().c_str());
  // The second part may be called from a background thread
  // It should Expected access V8
  inline int Get() { return val_; }
  // An optional public member may specify the number
  // of consumed JS arguments (considered 1 if not present)
  int Inputs;
  // Optionally, if the typemap has a costly state, only move
  // semantics may be specified, nobind17 can work with this type
  FromJS(const FromJS &) = delete;
  FromJS(FromJS &&) = default;

// This typemap will be used when C++ returns an int
// It must create a value for JS
template <> class ToJS<int> {
  Napi::Env env_;
  int val_;

  // The first part may be called from a background thread
  // It should simply store the value for later use
  inline explicit ToJS(Napi::Env env, int val) : env_(env), val_(val) {}
  // The second part will be called on the main V8 thread
  // It should produce a JS value
  inline Napi::Value Get() { return Napi::String::New(env_, std::to_string(val_)); }
  // Optionally, if the typemap has a costly state, only move
  // semantics may be specified, nobind17 can work with this type
  ToJS(const ToJS &) = delete;
  ToJS(ToJS &&) = default;
} // namespace TypemapOverrides

} // namespace Nobind

#include <nobind17.h>

int add(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

NOBIND_MODULE(override_tmaps, m) {

Using Buffers

Unless the C++ code has been designed for nobind17, using a Buffer will likely require creating custom wrappers to convert from and to std::pair<uint8_t*, size_t>:

#include <fixtures/buffer.h>

// Nobind::Buffer is defined as follows:
// using Buffer = std::pair<uint8_t *, size_t>;

#include <nobind17.h>

// These are the underlying C++ functions that use buffers
// We want to call them from JS
void get_buffer(uint8_t *&, size_t &);
void put_buffer(uint8_t *, size_t);

// These wrappers are what makes them nobind17-compatible
Nobind::Typemap::Buffer nobind_get_buffer() {
  Nobind::Typemap::Buffer buf;
  get_buffer(buf.first, buf.second);
  return buf;
void nobind_put_buffer(Nobind::Typemap::Buffer buf) {
  put_buffer(buf.first, buf.second);

NOBIND_MODULE(buffer, m) {

When C++ returns a Buffer object, that buffer is considered owned and it will be freed upon the destruction of the Node.js Buffer object by the garbage-collector.

When JavaScript passes a Buffer to a C++ method, C++ receives a pointer to the underlying data region of the JS Buffer which is protected from the GC for duration of the call - including in async mode.

Returning objects and factory functions

Before continuing with this section, we should explain the notion of a JS proxy.

Each C++ object is created with new and destroyed with delete in the C++ heap. These objects are not directly visible from JavaScript. What is visible from JavaScript is called a JS proxy - a pure JS object that contains a hidden pointer to the underlying C++ object. This JS object is managed by the V8 GC.

This means that functions that return C++ objects need to be compatible with the GC rules in JavaScript. For every function, other than a constructor, that returns an object, there must be clear rules on who frees the C++ object.

By default, nobind17 will consider that it owns objects returned as pointers and that it does not own objects returned as references. This behavior can be modified with an attribute:

class Chained {
  Chained *Factory();
  Chained &Do();

NOBIND_MODULE(chained, m) {
    // Nobind::ReturnOwned is the default behavior for pointers
    .def<&Chained::Factory, Nobind::ReturnOwned>("create");
    // Nobind::ReturnShared is the default behavior for references
    .def<&Chained::Do, Nobind::ReturnShared>("do");

.do() is a method that can be chained:

const o = new Chained;;

The Nobind::ReturnShared signals nobind17 that C++ objects returned by this method should not be considered new objects and should not be freed when the JS proxy is collected by the GC.

.create() is a method that creates new objects. The Nobind::ReturnOwned signals nobind17 that C++ objects returned by this method should be considered new objects and should be freed when the GC destroys the JS proxy.

Also, be sure to check #1 for a very important warning about shared references and also read the section on nested references below.

Extending classes

Sometimes it is very handy to be able to add an additional class method in JavaScript that does not directly correspond to a C++ method. For example, the standard way of providing a method returning a readable string representation of an object is to overload the global operator<<. In JavaScript, the standard method is to replace the Object.toString(). This cannot be achieved with a simple helper function, because it will have to be a member of the binded class. In this case nobind17 allows to define a special function of the form RETTYPE Method(CLASS &, ARGS...) and to register it as a class extension:

std::string HelloToString(const Hello &);

Currently, there is no way to register a getter with a function in order to override the [@@toStringTag] property.

Directly accessing the underlying node-addon-api

C++ functions that expect Napi::Value arguments or return Napi::Value results will skip the type conversions. This can be used to interact directly with the underlying Node.js API.

Unlike raw Node-API, C++ functions will receive their Napi::Values with the usual C++ convention:

Napi::Value add(Napi::Value a, Napi::Value b);

Mixing is also supported:

int add(Napi::Value a, int b);

In this case only the first argument will contain the raw V8 value.

It is also possible to access the exports and env objects when initializing the module:

constexpr bool False = false;
NOBIND_MODULE(native, m) {
  m.Exports().Set("debug_build", Napi::Boolean::New(m.Env(), true));
    .def<&False, Nobind::ReadOnly>(Napi::Symbol::WellKnown(m.Env(), "isConcatSpreadable"));

Nested references

Consider the following C++ code:

class Time {
  unsigned long timestamp;
  Time(unsigned long v): timestamp(v) {};

class DateTime {
  Time time;
  DateTime(Time v): time(v) {};
  Time &get() { return time; };

DateTime can returned a (non-const) reference to its member object Time. This reference should obviously use shared semantics as the newly created JS proxy object won't own the underlying C++ object. However, what will happen if the GC collects the parent object while JavaScript is still holding a reference to the returned nested object? This special case, which is somewhat common in the C++ world, requires special handling that can be enabled by using the Nobind::ReturnNested return attribute. In this case the returned reference will be bound the parent object which will be protected from the GC until the nested reference exists. This return attribute has a meaning only for class members and it is applied by default for class getters.

Storing custom per-isolate data

Sometimes a module needs to store "global" data. With node-addon-api the proper way to store this data is in a per-isolate data structure - since Node.js is allowed to call the same instance from multiple independent isolates. To access the per-isolate storage with nobind17, declare the module specific structure and then use the standard node-addon-api calls to access it:

struct PerIsolateData {
  Napi::ObjectReference exports;

NOBIND_MODULE_DATA(native, m, PerIsolateData) {
  m.Env().GetInstanceData<Nobind::EnvInstanceData<PerIsolateData>>()->exports =

nobind17 / node-addon-api will take care of creating and freeing this structure when new isolates are created and destroyed.


Most of the work that nobind17 does happens during the C++ compilation of the project. It is at that moment that the templates will be instantiated.

As it is often the case with C++ compilation, the errors may be hard to read.

When encountering compilation errors, start with this quick checklist:

  • Does the error message mention missing typemaps such as FromJS/ToJS?

    You are trying to expose types that nobind17 does not know how to convert, you need a custom typemap.

  • Is the method that does not compile an overloaded method?

    You need to use static_cast to manually resolve the overloading.

  • Is the method that does not compile inherited from a base class?

    You need to use the base class name.

  • Is the custom typemap not being picked up?

    Custom typemaps must be included before nobind17.h but after nooverrides.h.

    When overriding the builtin typemaps, you must use the special Nobind::TypemapOverrides namespace.

    Other typemaps must be in Nobind::Typemap.

    Depending on your types, you may need to also include pointer, reference or const typemaps - check the built-in implementation of std::string for an example.

  • Are you using MSVC?

    MSVC has a number of problems with template argument deduction in its default compilation mode. The /permissive- and /Zc flags can help in some cases, or you can also use a static_cast to explicitly type your function pointer. node-ffmpeg includes a few cases of this type.

    Also, MSVC 2019 has a number of problems such as C1001: Internal Compiler Error on static constexpr local function variables used as non-type template arguments and some complex SFINAE constructs such as this one: MSVC fails to specialize template with std::enable_if and a non-type argument.

WASM compatbility

Although building to WASM using emnapi should be possible, this is considered out of scope for this project and you should be using embind which implements the same functionality directly in the emscripten compiler without adding additional layers (C++/nobind to node-addon-api, then node-addon-api/emnapi to embind).

Developer info

Running single unit tests (in a debugger) is possible by doing:

cd test
node single configure <test>
node single build
node single run