
A simple npm module which help to send Emails, SMS.

MIT License


Node Notification Service

A simple npm module which help to send Emails, SMS.


As part of nodejs project we wanted to send emails and sms to our customers. The major problem we face it to configuring the email settings and then sending it.This service uses AWS-SES module and node-mailer module to send the emails.

Quick Start

Check out the [quick start example][quick-example] in ./examples/. There are a number of other examples in [./examples/*.js][examples]. Don't see an example you think should be there? Submit a pull request to add it!


The recommended way to use node-notification-service is to send email and messages. The simplest way to do this is using notifyService.send({}): Below example we are configuring AWS-SES service to send email.

const {Notification} = require('node-notification-service');
let notifyService = new Notification({ aws_ses: true, fromEmailAddress: "your aws-ses configured email address", region: "your ses service region"})
let emailResonse = await notifyService.sendEmail({
                    to: ["emaild whom you want to send the email"],
                    subject: "Your email subject",
                    message: "your email body",
                    html: "<h1>html can be binded here.</h1>"
console.log("Email sent success by SES service!!");

##Setup AWS-SES service account Follow this link to setup the new account , if you already have aws console window and follow the video for activating aws-ses service.Once you setup ses account we need verified email address for sending email and also we need region.

Below example we are configuring node-mailer to send email.

const {Notification} = require('node-notification-service');
let notifyService = new Notification({    service: 'gmail',
                                          host: '',
                                          secure: true,
                                          port: 465,
                                          auth: {
                                            user: 'senderemailAddress',
                                            password: 'senderPassword',
let emailResponse = await notifyService.sendEmail({
                    to: ["emaild whom you want to send the email"],
                    subject: "Your email subject",
                    message: "your email body",
                    html: "<h1>html can be binded here.</h1>"
console.log("Email sent by node-Mailer success!!");

##More examples Send email to multiple recipients using AWS-SES service.

   const {Notification} = require("node-notification-service");
  let mailer = new Notification({ aws_ses: true, fromEmailAddress: "formEmail address", region: "ap-south-1"});
  let emailResponse = mailer.sendEmail({
    to: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
    cc: ['[email protected]'],
    message: 'testing multiple mail sending proccess',
    subject: 'multip mail sender',
    html: "Hi Dear User,<br> <br>Greeting!<br>Here is your OTP for password Reset <br><b>OTP: " + 123456 + "</b><br><br> Thanks! <br>Team InTime-Tec",
  console.log('email send by aws-ses mailer');

Send email to multiple recipients using Node-Mailer service.

  const {Notification} = require("node-notification-service");
  let mailer = new Notification({
                                    service: 'gmail',
                                    host: '',
                                    secure: true,
                                    port: 465,
                                    auth: {
                                      user: 'senderemailAddress',
                                      password: 'senderPassword',
  let emailResponse = mailer.sendEmail({
    to: ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'],
    cc: ['[email protected]'],
    message: 'testing multiple mail sending proccess',
    subject: 'multip mail sender',
    html: "Hi Dear User,<br> <br>Greeting!<br>Here is your OTP for password Reset <br><b>OTP: " + 123456 + "</b><br><br> Thanks! <br>Team InTime-Tec",
  console.log('email send by node mailer');

##Quick help for node-mailer service if you are using your own gmail or any other service provider for sending email, you might get this error. Error: Invalid login: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted To resolve the above error goto below link and give full access.(Allow less secure apps: ON) Then try again running your application

Start with SMS services

In SMS services we are using two most popular libraries for sending the SMS as text.

  1. Nexmo
  2. Twilio

Let's quickly start with Nexmo SMS service to send SMS using this service we need api_key and api_secret. Where can I find my API key and API secret?. Your API key and secret can be found and updated under the "API settings" section on the page in the Dashboard. If you are in trial period then need to verify test number. Nexmo trial period - How to add numbers to list of permitted destinations? Verify your test number from here

##Quick start with Nexmo example

const {Notification} = require("node-notification-service");
let notification = new Notification({
    apiKey: "YOUR_NEXMO_ACCOUNT_API_KEY",// *required
    apiSecret: "YOUR_NEXMO_ACCOUNT_API_SECRET",// *required
    services: { nexmo: true },// *required
    from: "YOUR REGISTER/VERIFYIED MOBILE NUMBER",// *required, make sure your number appended with + and country code before mobile number. like +91 1234456782
    to: "MOBILE_NUMBER_WHOM_YOU_WANT_TO_SEND_SMS",// *required, make sure your number appended with + and country code before mobile number. like +91 1234456782
    message: 'Nexmo serivce sending message to you...',// *required
    services: { nexmo: true },
    subject: "YOUR SUBJECT HERE"
  1. Let's quickly start with Twilio SMS service to send SMS using this service we need accountSid and authToken.
    You can start with Free trial period. How to Work with your Free Twilio Trial Account?
const {Notification} = require("node-notification-service");
 let notification = new Notification({
    accountSid: "YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTSID",// *required
    authToken: "YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_AUTHTOKEN",// *required
    services: { twilio: true },// *required
    from: testconfig.from,// *required, make sure your number appended with + and country code before mobile number. like +91 1234456782

//send sms 
    to: "MOBILE_NUMBER_WHOM_YOU_WANT_TO_SEND_SMS",// *required, make sure your number appended with + and country code before mobile number. like +91 1234456782
    message: 'Hello From twilio write your message here',
    services: { twilio: true },