
Node.js news feeder

MIT License


Official Node.js News Feeder


As the Node.js organization continues to grow and expand, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of all the ongoing projects, teams, and working groups. We've recognized this challenge and have been actively seeking solutions to improve communication and awareness within our community.

This feed was established with the intention of offering support for news sites, blogs, and other creators that aim to deliver timely updates on Node.js news, releases, and other content relevant to the Node.js community.

Consume the feed

The RSS feed is available at, optionally you can subscribe to the Slack channel #nodejs-news-feeder to receive the latest news.

Use your terminal to read the latest news

You can also read the latest news directly from your terminal using the following command:

curl -s | grep -E '(<title>|<link>|<pubDate>)' | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'

Read the news on your browser

You can also read the latest news on your browser using the following link:

In order to update the RSS feed, you need to trigger the Github Action Populate Feed manually or wait for the CRON job.

This process will generate a PR with the latest news, so we can change the content and decide when to merge it.

How it works

  1. The community creates releases and also generates content by replying to specific issues and discussions.
  2. A GitHub Action, triggered by a cron job or manual input, collects issues/releases/discussions, processes, formats, validates, and stores all the new information as feed items.
  3. The changes are then presented in a pull request, which is thoroughly reviewed by curators who ensure that the content meet our expectations, before is publicly available and promoted.
  4. Once the changes are approved and included in the main branch, the updated content can be accessed by readers via a feed or a specific channel on Slack.

More details


git clone
cd nodejs-news-feeder
nvm use
npm install


Code linter

npm run lint
npm run lint:fix


npm run test
npm run test:watch
npm run test:coverage

RSS formatter

Update the feed.xml file format

npm run rss:format-check
npm run rss:format

RSS Build

Update the feed.xml file with the latest news

npm run rss:build

RSS Validate

Check the current feed.xml against the

npm run rss:validate


MIT License