
NotionDB is a object modelling tool designed to interface with Notion Databases.

MIT License



📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

NotionDB is an object modelling tool designed to interface with Notion. It is a tool to allow developers to easily spin up a cloud based database using Notion Databases. Notion Databases consist of a series of Notion Pages (database rows) with various Properties (database columns).

NotionDB leverages off the official Notion API and provides developers with easy to use classes and helper functions to easily retrieve, write, update and delete data.

Why use Notion as a Database?

  • On top of the standard primitive types, Notion provides advanced types such as Dates with Time (start and end), People, URLs, Emails, Phone Numbers, Formulas, Relations, Rollups and more.
  • Notion provides great facilities for Filtering (compound and/or filtering and nested filtering) and multi level Sorting. This makes querying and sorting through data seamless for developers.
  • To visualize the data, the Notion user interface can display the database data in various views such as Table, Board, Timeline, Calendar, List and Gallery views.
  • Being able to access and write data to a Notion Database from a server side environment opens up endless opportunities to interface Notion with other databases, services and APIs.

For any enquiries, email [email protected].

If you would like to donate to the project, you can buy me a coffee.

⭐️ Features


  • Get all Databases associated with an integration key.
  • Get a single Database by Database ID or Database Notion URL.
  • Create a Database using a Schema of Properties (column definitions).


  • Get all Pages from a Database.
  • Get a single Page by Page ID or Page Notion URL.
  • Filter down and Sort Pages from a Database using Notion's powerful Filter and Sort tools.
  • Create a Page (a database row) inside a Database.
  • Delete a Page from a Database.
  • Restore a deleted Page from a Database.


  • Get all supported children Blocks from a Page.


  • Get all Users from a Database.
  • Get a single User by User ID.

🏁 Getting Started


  1. A Notion account. A free personal account will give you access to unlimited pages.
  2. Create an integration key through My intgerations:
  1. Share a Databae with your integration.

For more information on integrations, visit:


Install the package using npm:

npm install notiondb

Or with yarn:

yarn add notiondb

🎈 Usage


const { NotionDB } = require('notiondb');

const integrationKey = process.env.NOTION_INTEGRATION_KEY;
const notionDB = new NotionDB(integrationKey);


Get all Database references available from the integration.

const databases = await notionDB.databases.getAll();
console.log( => d.object));

Get a single Database reference using a Database ID or Database URL.

const { NotionUrl, NotionUrlTypes, NotionId } = require('notiondb/models');

// Method 1 of Database lookup
const url = new NotionUrl(
const database = await notionDB.databases.get(url);

// Method 2 of Database lookup
const id = new NotionId('9dbfa923a10242b8bdcb3158fa2fc54b');
const database = await notionDB.databases.get(id);

Create a new Database using a Schema. Databases must be created inside a Parent Page.

const { PropertySchema, SchemaObject } = require('notiondb/schema');
const { NotionId } = require('notiondb/models');

const parentPageId = new NotionId('6dbfa957f10282b8cdcb3458fa2c54f');
const title = 'Orders';
const schemaObjects = [
  new SchemaObject('Order ID', 'title'),
  new SchemaObject('Date', 'date'),
  new SchemaObject('Product', 'select'),
  new SchemaObject('Price', 'number'),
  new SchemaObject('Quantity', 'select'),
// A schema takes an array of schema objects
const schema = new PropertySchema(schemaObjects);
const database = await notionDB.databases.create(parentPageId, title, schema);


Get all Pages from a Database.

// Get an existing Database reference first
const pages = await database.pages.getAll();
console.log( => p.object));

Get many Pages using Filters and Sorts from a Database.

const {
} = require('notiondb/models/filter');
const { PropertySort, TimestampSort } = require('notiondb/models/sort');
const { PropertySchema, SchemaObject } = require('notiondb/schema');

 * Filter by Price > 5
 * Sort by Price from highest to lowest
const options = {
  filter: new NumberFilter('Price', 'greater_than', 5),
  sort: new PropertySort('Price', 'descending'),
const pages = await database.pages.getMany(options);
console.log( => p.object));

 * Filter by Price > 5 AND Product is Sunglasses
 * Sort by Last Edited Time, newest to oldest
const priceFilter = new NumberFilter('Price', 'greater_than', 5);
const productFilter = new SelectFilter('Product', 'equals', 'Sunglasses');
const compoundFilter = new CompoundFilter([priceFilter, productFilter], 'and');

const options = {
  filter: compoundFilter,
  sort: new TimestampSort('last_edited_time', 'descending'),
const pages = await database.pages.getMany(options);
console.log( => p.object));

 * Filter by Price > 5 AND Product is Sunglasses
 * OR
 * Product is Reading Glasses
 * Sort by Last Edited Time, newest to oldest
const priceFilter = new NumberFilter('Price', 'greater_than', 5);
const productFilter = new SelectFilter('Product', 'equals', 'Sunglasses');
const compoundFilter = new CompoundFilter([priceFilter, productFilter], 'and');
const readingGlassesFilter = new SelectFilter(
  'Reading Glasses',
const topLevelCompoundFilter = new CompoundFilter(
  [compoundFilter, readingGlassesFilter],

const options = {
  filter: topLevelCompoundFilter,
const pages = await database.pages.getMany(options);
console.log( => p.object));

Get a single Page using a Page ID or Page URL.

// Method 1 of Page lookup
const { NotionId, NotionUrl, NotionUrlTypes } = require('notiondb/models');

const url = new NotionUrl(
const page = await database.pages.get(url);

// Method 2 of Page lookup (with excluded properties on result)
const id = new NotionId('ec51a30420fe800db023d48671466f29');
const excludeProperties = ['Price', 'Quantity'];
const page = await database.pages.get(id, excludeProperties);

Create a new Page in an existing Database.

// Get an existing Database reference first
const page = await database.pages.create({
  'Order ID': uuidv4(),
  Date: new Date(),
  Product: '3D Glasses',
  Price: 12.99,
  Quantity: 15,

Create a new Page in an existing Database with additional options for Date.

const startDate = new Date();
const endDate = new Date();
endDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + 2);

// Get an existing Database reference first
const page = await database.pages.create({
  'Order ID': uuidv4(),
  Date: {
    value: startDate,
    options: {
      includeTime: true,
      timezone: 'Australia/Sydney',
      end: endDate,
  Product: '3D Glasses',
  Price: 12.99,
  Quantity: 15,

Update an existing Page.

const { NotionId } = require('notiondb/models');

// Update existing Page object retrieved from a previous Page get()
const updatedPage = await page.update({
  Price: 9.99,
  Product: 'Sunglasses',

// Use static update method to update blindly using a Notion ID or Notion URL
const id = new NotionId('ec51a30420fe800db023d48671466f29');
const updatedPage = await database.pages.update(id, {
  Price: 9.99,
  Product: 'Sunglasses',

Delete an existing Page.

const { NotionId } = require('notiondb/models');

// Delete existing Page object retrieved from a previous Page get()
const deletedPage = await page.delete();

// Use static delete method to delete (archive) blindly using a Notion ID or Notion URL
const id = new NotionId('ec51a30420fe800db023d48671466f29');
const deletedPage = await database.pages.delete(id);

Restore a deleted Page.

const { NotionId } = require('notiondb/models');

// Restore existing Page object retrieved from a previous Page get()
const restoredPage = await page.restore();

// Use static restore method to restore (unarchive) blindly using a Notion ID or Notion URL
const id = new NotionId('ec51a30420fe800db023d48671466f29');
const restoredPage = await database.pages.restore(id);


Get all children Blocks of a Page.

// Get an existing Page reference first
const blocks = await page.blocks.getAll();
console.log( => b.object));


List all users from a Database.

// Get an existing Database reference first
const users = await database.users.getAll();
console.log( => u.object));

Get a single User using a User ID.

const { NotionId } = require('notiondb/models');

const id = new NotionId('193ead88-13c7-46ef-a6a2-62fa58234e7d');
const user = await database.users.get(id);

⛏️ Built Using

✍️ Authors

🎉 Acknowledgements