
Node.js client library for Apache Pinot , a realtime distributed OLAP datastore

APACHE-2.0 License


Node.js client library for Apache Pinot 🍷

JavaScript client library for connecting to and querying Apache Pinot 🍷, a realtime distributed OLAP datastore.

GitHub Repo, TypeDoc Reference, npm Package


  • Implements a controller-based broker selector that periodically updates the table-to-broker mapping via the controller API.
  • Provides TypeScript definitions of broker responses (Pinot query results).
  • Has 100% test coverage.

Quick start

Start a development Pinot cluster with baseballStats demo data:

docker run \
    -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 \
    apachepinot/pinot:0.9.3 QuickStart \
    -type batch


npm install pinot-client


yarn add pinot-client

Creating a connection to a Pinot cluster

With a simple broker selector (that chooses randomly between the provided brokers upon each query):

import { ConnectionFactory } from "pinot-client";

const connection = ConnectionFactory.fromHostList(["localhost:8000"]);

With a controller-based broker selector (that maintains a periodically updated table-to-broker mapping obtained via controller API):

import { ConnectionFactory } from "pinot-client";

const connection = await ConnectionFactory.fromController("localhost:9000");

Querying Pinot

const r = await connection.execute(
    "baseballStats", // table name
    "select league, sum(hits) as hits from baseballStats group by league order by hits desc" // SQL query

console.log(`Scanned ${r.numDocsScanned} docs in ${r.timeUsedMs}ms`);
r.resultTable.rows.forEach((row) => {


Scanned 97889 docs in 8ms
league  hits
NL      1890198
AL      1650039
AA      88730
NA      24549
FL      21105
PL      10523
UA      7457


fromHostList() and fromController() options

ConnectionFactory.fromHostList() may optionally take as a second parameter an object with the following keys:

  • logger: a logger instance conforming to the standard Log4j interface w/ .child() method (i.e. pino, winston or log4js)
  • brokerReqHeaders: additional HTTP headers (object key: value) to include in broker query API requests
  • customHttpClient: a custom HTTP client implementation

on top of that, ConnectionFactory.fromController() options may include two additional keys:

  • controllerReqHeaders: additional HTTP headers (object key: value) to include in controller API requests
  • brokerUpdateFreqMs: wait time in milliseconds between table-to-broker mapping refreshes

Example usage:

const options = {
    brokerReqHeaders: {
        Authorization: "Basic asdf123",
    controllerReqHeaders: {
        Authorization: "Basic xyz123",
    brokerUpdateFreqMs: 500,

const connection = await ConnectionFactory.fromController("localhost:9000", options);

Using a custom logger

// let's use pino (not to be confused with pinot) as an example logger
import * as pino from "pino";

const pinoInstance = pino({ level: "debug" });
const childLogger = pinoInstance.child({ lib: "pinot-client" });

const options = {
    logger: childLogger,

const connection = await ConnectionFactory.fromController("localhost:9000", options);

Using a custom HTTP client

By default pinot-client uses undici for performing HTTP requests against Pinot Borkers and Controllers. A custom HttpClient interface implementation (containing POST and GET methods) can be provided instead via the customHttpClient options key:

const myClient: HttpClient = {
    get: async function <T>(url: string, options: { headers: Record<string, string> }) {
        const { statusCode, parsedBody } = await otherHTTPClientLib<T>(url, ...);
        // data is of type T
        return { status: statusCode, data: parsedBody };
    post: async function <T>(url: string, data: object, options: { headers: Record<string, string> }) {
        const { statusCode, parsedBody } = await otherHTTPClientLib<T>(url, ...);
        // data is of type T
        return { status: statusCode, data: parsedBody };

const options = {
    customHttpClient: myClient,

const c = await ConnectionFactory.fromController("http://localhost:9000", options);