
🕹️ A simple realtime Pokémon MMO game build with Phaser 3, Colyseus.io & Webpack 4

WTFPL License


Simple realtime platform game build with Phaser.io

Simple realtime Pokemon game build with Phaser 3, Colyseus.io & Webpack 4.

Features & ToDo

  • Multiple players can join the game
  • Maps are can be created/edited with Tiled Map Editor
  • Multiple levels/maps
  • Pokémons added
  • Can going inside building (In progress)

How to install

// Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/aaron5670/PokeMMO-Online-Realtime-Multiplayer-Game.git

// Go to the client folder and install all modules
$ cd client && npm install

// Go to the server folder and install all modules
$ cd ../server && npm install

// Start the server
$ node server.js

// Open a new terminal and navigate to the client folder and start the webpack server
$ cd client && npm start

After successfully install go to http://localhost:8080