
Controller for PoW Shield (a layer7 DDoS filter) providing multi-instance utilities.


PoW Phalanx

Controller for PoW-Shield that calculates and assigns the optimal difficulty via request and waf trigger distributions based on machine learning model.

User interface for PoW-Phalanx can be found at PoW-Phalanx Controller UI


  • Socket connectivity with PoW Shield
  • Statistics synchronization
  • Difficulty control
  • Model interaction interface
  • Feature synchronization
  • Ban state synchronization
  • Controller graphics interface
  • Security model update
  • Unit test


Docker ^19.0.0 Nodejs ^14.0.0


  • nodejs: .env (example: .env.example)
  • docker-compose: docker-compose.yaml (example: docker-compose.example.yaml)
  • docker run: -e parameter

Environmental Variables

Variable Default Description
PORT 6000 port for phalanx instance
DATABASE_HOST host for redis database
DATABASE_PORT 6379 port for redis database
DATABASE_PASSWORD password for redis database
SUBSCRIPTION_TOKEN test-subscription-token token for access to subscription endpoint
CONTROLLER_TOKEN test-controller-token token for access to controller endpoint
MODEL_TOKEN test-model-token token for access to model endpoint
CONTROLLER_BROADCAST_INTERVAL 20 interval(seconds) for phalanx to broadcast controller stats
STAT_FETCH_INTERVAL 10 interval(seconds) for phalanx to broadcast fetch directive to subscibed pow-shield instances
STAT_KEEP_HISTORY_TIME 3600 length(seconds) for phalanx to keep history fetched from pow-shield instances
RESOURCE_MONITOR off connect to resource monitor on backend
RESOURCE_MONITOR_HOST resource monitor host
RESOURCE_MONITOR_PORT resource monitor port
SETTINGS_FETCH off fetch settings dump alongside batch stats
RESTFUL on enable restful api
RESTFUL_PORT 9000 port for restful api


# Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/RuiSiang/PoW-Phalanx.git

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Configure settings
cp -n .env.example .env
# Edit .env
nano .env

# Transpile
npm run build

# Set up redis server as database           #
# install redis first                       #
# sudo apt-get install redis-server         #
npm start


Default endpoint: http://localhost:6000?token=token-for-type

The following are implemented with standard socket.io protocol. Base url is designated as endpoint, and message as the event. Calls are standarized in the following format:

  "method": "call-method",
  "arguments": ["array-of-parameters"],

Passive endpoints consume a call and return data (call handled by phalanx socket server), active feeds emit a call to the client (call not handled by phalanx socket server).

Subscription Channel

Method Type Scope Arguments Description
phlx_update_stats passive endpoint unicast stats:Stat[] Shield pushes new data to phalanx
phlx_update_settings passive endpoint unicast stats:Config Shield pushes new settings dump to phalanx
phlx_ban_ip passive endpoint unicast [ip:string, seconds: uint] Shield signals to phalanx that a new IP is banned
shld_ban_ip active feed broadcast [ip:string, seconds: uint] Phalanx broadcasts to shields that a new IP is banned
shld_fetch_stats active feed broadcast N/A Phalanx broadcasts to shields to signal a new data push
shld_fetch_settings active feed broadcast N/A Phalanx broadcasts to shields to signal a new settings dump
shld_set_config active feed broadcast [key:string, value:any] Phalanx broadcasts to shields to set a config parameter
shld_add_whitelist active feed broadcast [token:string] Phalanx broadcasts to shields to add a whitelist token
shld_remove_whitelist active feed broadcast [token:string] Phalanx broadcasts to shields to remove a whitelist token
shld_update_model active feed broadcast TBD Phalanx broadcasts to shields to update the edge security model

Controller Channel

Method Type Scope Arguments Description
phlx_override_difficulty passive endpoint unicast [difficulty:uint] Controller asks phalanx to override difficulty
phlx_add_whitelist passive endpoint unicast [token:string] Controller asks phalanx to add new whitelist token
phlx_remove_whitelist passive endpoint unicast [token:string] Controller asks phalanx to remove whitelist token
phlx_update_model passive endpoint unicast TBD Controller pushes edge security model to phalanx to update on shields
ctrl_stats active feed broadcast {stats:Stat[], whitelist: string[]} Phalanx broadcasts current stats to controller

Model Channel

Method Type Scope Arguments Description
phlx_set_difficulty passive endpoint unicast [difficulty:uint] Model asks phalanx to set new difficulty
phlx_fetch_batch_stats passive endpoint unicast [lastRow?:string] Model requests phalanx to send batch stats
modl_batch_stats active feed unicast stats:Stat[] Phalanx sends batch stats to model
modl_backend_stats active feed broadcast util:ResourceUtil Phalanx redirects resource monitor stats on backend
modl_settings active feed broadcast config:Config Phalanx sends settings dump to model

Data Formats



i.e. ttl_req:aTqmrN0eKqaQa1nIAAAB:2022-06-14T01:55:00.014Z|10

stat-type Value Unit
legit_req accumulative legit request count count
ttl_req accumulative total request count count
bad_nonce accumulative bad nonce request count count
ttl_waf accumulative waf trigger count count
ttl_solve_time accumulated time of solved problems milliseconds
prob_solved number of problems solved count



  "cpuUtil": "0.27",
  "memUtil": "14.22",
  "uptime": "350"
stat-type Value
cpuUtil CPU utilization (percentage)
memUtil RAM utilization (percentage)
uptime machine uptime (seconds)

Restful API for Model

GET /stats?token=model-token

Description: Get stats for model training


  • Params: N/A
  • Query:
    • token: token for model connection (same as the one for socket)


  • instances: object of stat entry arrays organized by client id and stat type (see example)
  • settings: object of setting configurations for each client
  • backend: resource stats on the backend site

Example Request

curl http://pow-phalanx:9000/stats?token=test-model-token

Example Response

  "instances": {
    "Do4a-RmsY-0zJmFeAAAB": {
      "legit_req": ["1", "13", "22", "22", "23", "24", "24", "24", "24"],
      "ttl_req": ["4", "16", "25", "27", "29", "30", "30", "31", "31"],
      "bad_nonce": ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
      "ttl_waf": ["0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "1"],
      "ttl_solve_time": ["2544", "2544", "2544", "2544", "4647", "4647", "4647", "4647", "4647"],
      "prob_solved": ["1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "2"]
  "settings": [
      "settings:Do4a-RmsY-0zJmFeAAAB": "{\"session_key\":\"abcdefghijklmnop\",\"pow\":true,\"nonce_validity\":60000,\"difficulty\":13,\"backend_url\":\"http://webapp:80\",\"database_host\":\"redis1\",\"database_port\":6379,\"database_password\":\"\",\"rate_limit\":true,\"rate_limit_sample_minutes\":60,\"rate_limit_session_threshold\":100,\"rate_limit_ban_ip\":true,\"rate_limit_ip_threshold\":500,\"rate_limit_ban_minutes\":15,\"waf\":true,\"waf_url_exclude_rules\":\"\",\"waf_header_exclude_rules\":\"14,33,80,96,100\",\"waf_body_exclude_rules\":\"\",\"ssl\":false,\"ssl_cert_path\":\"tests/ssl/mock-cert.pem\",\"ssl_key_path\":\"tests/ssl/mock-key.pem\",\"socket\":true,\"socket_url\":\"http://pow-phalanx:6000\",\"socket_token\":\"test-subscription-token\"}"
  "backend": "\"{\\\"cpuUtil\\\":\\\"0.30\\\",\\\"memUtil\\\":\\\"21.78\\\",\\\"uptime\\\":\\\"2591\\\"}\""

GET /set?token=model-token&difficulty=difficulty

Description: Get stats for model training


  • Params: N/A
  • Query:
    • token: token for model connection (same as the one for socket)
    • difficulty: difficulty to set (integer)


  • 200: OK
  • 400: Invalid

Example Request

curl http://pow-phalanx:9000/set?token=test-model-token&difficulty=13

Example Response

200 OK