
Website for the pvpcraft discord bot

MIT License


PvPCraft website for PvPCraft Discord bot

Can be found at bot.pvpcraft.ca

To build for release, run npm run build --release


You must have:

  1. Access to the same RethinkDB as pvpcraft
  2. node.js 8.6 or higher and npm
  3. git and node-gyp


In your command line of choice, enter:

  1. git clone https://github.com/macdja38/pvpsite.git to clone the repo
  2. cd pvpsite to enter the project directory git just made
  3. npm install to install dependencies
  4. cp src/config.example.js src/config.js and cp src/client.config.example.js src/client.config.js
  5. vim src/config.js and vim src/client.config.js to edit the config files, alternatively if you are not familiar with a command line editor like vim you may edit the files in anything but notepad. I like windows or macOS
  6. npm run build --release to build the project
  7. node build/server.js to run the project

Optionally, set up a caching reverse proxy to serve the static files (js and PvPCraft logo are the most important), and to forward from port 80 to 3000.