
A simple image hosting service implemented using Node.js + Express + MongoDB + Redis


simpleimage logo

A simple image hosting web application that I created and implemented using Node.js and Express, with MongoDB as the database and Redis as the session store.


  • Upload BMP, PNG, JPEG, and GIF images
  • Comment on images
  • Image page
    • Image upload date
    • Total number of comments on image
  • Delete your images (Must have an account)
  • User profile page
    • Join date
    • Comment history and total number of comments posted
  • User settings
    • Change password
  • Rotates JPEG images based on Orientation tag in EXIF metadata
  • Strips EXIF metadata from JPEG images


.env Template

MONGODB_URI=<MongoDB URI goes here>
REDIS_URL=<Redis URL goes here>
MONGO_ROOT_USERNAME=<root username for MongoDB instance>
MONGO_ROOT_PASSWORD=<root password for MongoDB instance>
MONGO_INITIAL_DATABASE=<initial database for MongoDB instance>

SESSION_SECRET=<session secret goes here>
GA_TRACKING_ID=<Google Analytics Tracking ID (Universal Analytics)>
LOGIN_TO_UPLOAD=true  # omit this variable if you don't want to require users to login to upload
FILE_SIZE_LIMIT=5000000 # omit this variable if you want the default file size limit of 500 MB

EVALUATION_MODE=true # omit this variable to disable automatic removal of images
EXPIRE_AFTER_SECONDS=300 # set this to set time for the images to be stored in database in evaluation mode (default is 300 if unspecified)

SENTRY_DSN=<Sentry DSN>                     # endpoint to upload Sentry events
SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=<Sentry Auth Token>       # used for uploading source maps to Sentry
SENTRY_ORG=<Sentry Organization (slug)>     # used for associating the Sentry organization to upload source maps to

Building and Running Locally

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Build web components with webpack (and watch for changes when in development mode)
npm run build:client

# Run local MongoDB database
mongod --dbpath ./data/

# Export SESSION_SECRET environment variable (or use a .env file)
export SESSION_SECRET="my-secret"

# Run the app
npm start
# or, run the app in development mode
npm run start:dev

# Navigate to http://localhost:3010 on your browser

Serving with Docker

View Makefile to see what each make command does.


# Build Docker images
make build-dev              # make bd

# Run Docker containers in Docker Compose environment
make deploy-dev             # make dd
# or, run the following if you want to use the Node.js debugger as well (port 9229)
make deploy-dev-debug       # make ddd

# Navigate to http://localhost:8080 on your browser


# Build Docker images
make build-prod             # make bp

# Run Docker containers in Docker Compose environment
make deploy-prod            # make dp

Unit/Integration Tests

# Build Docker images for test
make build-test             # make bt

# Run Docker containers for test in Docker Compose environment
make deploy-test            # make dt
# or, run the following if you want to use the Node.js debugger as well (port 9229 - will wait for debugger to be attached before starting)
make deploy-test-debug       # make dtd

# to test a specific file, pass it like the example below: (can also be passed into deploy-test-debug)
make deploy-test TEST_FILE=./test/integ/image_delete_integ_test.js

Cypress E2E Tests

# Build Docker images for E2E testing (E2E tests use production environment)
make build-prod             # make bp

# Run Docker containers for E2E testing in Docker Compose environment
make deploy-test-server     # make dts

# Install dev dependencies (includes Cypress)
npm install

# Run Cypress for E2E testing
npm run test:e2e
# Run Cypress with UI interface (for local testing)
npm run test:cypress

Use HTTPS in dev

Using mkcert:

mkdir ssl
cd ssl

mkcert -install

mkcert localhost ::1

To run development environment using dev HTTPS certs:

make deploy-dev-https       # make dds

Clean Docker images and volumes

make clean

Known Limitations

  • Cannot change username/email
  • Some of the popup dialogs need a bit of size tweaking (e.g. signup dialog)
  • No image upload history (Currently being worked on in dev/image-history branch)
  • No option for anonymous users to upload an image with ability to delete
    • Delete links based on user session are being considered (which is what imgur does as well)
  • See Issues page for more

Future Additions

  • User preferences menu
  • Ability to change email and/or username
  • Image galleries
  • Custom image IDs
  • Delete account