
Runs JavaScript functions from a terminal

MIT License



A JavaScript task runner for node.

$ npm install smoke-task --save-dev
export async function add(a, b) {
  await shell(`echo ${a + b}`).exec()
$ npx smoke-task add 10 20
# $ echo 30
# 30


Smoke-Task is a shell scripting tool that allows javascript functions to be exposed and run from a terminal. It is intended to be a lightweight single dependency cli module to assist with various build tasks for node projects.

This tool is offered for anyone who finds it useful. Supports node 10 and up.


Smoke-Task requires that a tasks.js file exist in the current working directory (typically a project root). For a tasks to be available to the task runner, the functions must be exported.

/** A task to build a TypeScript project, then run the project */
export async function start() {
  await shell('tsc --project ./src/tsconfig.json').exec()
  await shell('node ./src/index.js').exec()
$ smoke-task start


Tasks defined within tasks.js have access to four global functions that allow for various folder, file, shell and watch operations to be composed within each task. The API for these functions is outlined below.

    .err(func)            // Redirects stderr data to the given function.
    .exec()               // (eval) Executes this shell command.
    .expect(exitcode)     // Sets the expected exitcode for this command. Default is 0.
    .log(func)            // Redirects both stdout and stderr to the given function.
    .out(func)            // Redirects stdout data to the given function.

    .timeout(ms)          // Sets a this watchers debounce timeout (default is 250ms)
    .run(func)            // Runs this function when a file or folder changes.
    .exec()               // Executes this watch (does not complete)

    .add(path)            // Adds a file to this folder. If the path being added exists, it is overwritten.
    .copy_to(folder)      // Copies this folder into the given folder.
    .contents()           // Returns the inner contents of this folder (see contents)
        .copy_to(folder)  // Copies the contents into the given folder.
        .move_to(folder)  // Moves the contents into the given folder.
        .delete()         // Deletes the contents of this folder.
        .exec()           // Executes effects on these contents.
    .create()             // Creates this folder if not exists.
    .delete()             // Deletes this folder if exists.
    .exec()               // (eval) Executes effects on this folder.
    .exists()             // (eval) Returns true if this folder exists.
    .hash(algo?)          // (eval) Returns a hash of this folder with the given algorithm.
    .merge_from(folder)   // Merges the contents from the remote folder into this folder.
    .move_to(folder)      // Moves this folder into the given folder.
    .remove(name)         // Removes a file or folder from this folder.
    .rename(newname)      // Renames this folder.
    .size()               // (eval) Returns the size of this folder in bytes.
    .stat()               // (eval) Returns a fs stats object for this folder.

    .append_from(path)    // Appends to this file from a remote path | url. If file not exist, create.
    .append(data)         // Appends to this file. If file not exist, create.
    .copy_to(folder)      // Copies this file into the given folder. 
    .create()             // Creates this file if not exists.
    .delete()             // Deletes this file if exists.
    .edit(find, replace)  // Makes a find and replace edit to this file.
    .exec()               // (eval) Executes effects on this file.
    .exists()             // (eval) Returns true if this file exists.
    .hash(algo?)          // (eval) Returns a hash for this file with the given algorithm.
    .move_to(folder)      // Moves this file into the given folder.
    .prepend_from(path)   // Prepends to this file from a remote path | url. If file not exist, create.
    .prepend(data)        // Prepends to this file. If file not exist, create.
    .read(encoding?)      // (eval) Returns the contents of this file.
    .rename(newname)      // Renames this file.
    .size()               // (eval) Returns the size of this file in bytes.
    .stat()               // (eval) Returns a fs stats object for this file.
    .truncate()           // Truncates this file. If the file does not exist, it is created.
    .write_from(path)     // Writes to this file from a remote path | url. If file not exist, create.
    .write(data)          // Writes to this file. If the file does not exist, it is created.

Project Tasks

The following tasks are supported.

npm run clean       # cleans this project.
npm run build       # builds this project.
npm run spec        # runs the spec project in watch.
npm run pack        # builds a deployment package.
npm run install-cli # installs this package globally.