
Speeding up Node by caching the location of modules and files



Speed up Node load time by caching resolved module paths to avoid module resolution and refetching each time the application is loaded.

The first time the application loads, resolved file paths are saved in the file system.

This modules patches the _resolveFilename method of Node module, caching the files it finds in order to improve Node loading performance.

This is inspired by fast-boot.

Benchmark results

Library Uncached Cached Efficient Duration
tslint 128.268 ms 82.189 ms 35.923 % -46.078 ms
fs-extra 0.229 ms 0.236 ms -2.991 % 0.007 ms
shelljs 59.767 ms 32.028 ms 46.412 % -27.739 ms
stylelint 1492.165 ms 687.323 ms 53.938 % -804.842 ms
postcss 71.924 ms 45.183 ms 37.179 % -26.74 ms
yargs 97.382 ms 27.751 ms 71.503 % -69.632 ms
eslint 359.556 ms 292.274 ms 18.712 % -67.282 ms

Benchmark mark done on a Windows 7 64 Bit, i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40Ghz and 16GB RAM.

Getting Started


npm install @speedy/require-cache --save


import { RequireCache } from "@speedy/require-cache";
new RequireCache().start();

import * as stylelint from "stylelint";
import * as _ from "lodash";



Name Description Type
cacheKiller Used to invalidate the cache. By default it's set the version of package.json.Normally one will pass the application version number assuming that a different version or a Unix timestamp when the cache should expire.string: 'package.json' version: 1.0.0number: Unix timestamp: 1490873027 number
cacheFilePath Alternate cache file location. Default: ./.cache/speedy-require-cache.json string
readOnlyMode When in ReadOnly mode. Any changes will be discharged once process is terminated. Default: false boolean


Name Description Type
cacheHit Number of modules who's locations were found in the cache number
cacheMiss Number of modules who's locations were not found in the cache and were added to the cache number
notCached Number of modules not to be cached - either not in node_modules folder or process.cwd() number

Methods and Properties

new RequireCache([options]: Partial<CacheOptions>) ⇒ RequireCache

Creates an instance of RequireCache.

requireCache.isEnabled : boolean

Whether or not the cache is currently enabled.

Read only: true

requireCache.stats : CacheStats

Caching effectiveness statistics.

Read only: true

Start caching of module locations.


Stop caching of the modules locations.


Deletes the cache file.


Saves cached paths to file.

Benchmark Yourself

If you'd like to run the benchmark yourself. Clone the Git repository and install all the dependencies executing the following commands in your terminal:

npm install
npm run benchmark-install

To benchmark run:

npm run benchmark