
A Task/Exercise Tracker which is used to track the users tasks which include fields like : description , duration , date. It also includes filtering the data based on the dates given in queries


Exercise Tracker

A Microservice Application which is used to track the users tasks/exercises.

  • It Consists of Several api endpoints which is used to make the following requests:
    • POST REQUEST - /api/users - creating the new user
    • GET REQUEST - /api/users - to get all the users
    • POST REQUEST - /api/users/:_id/exercises - to create the users exercises
    • GET REQUEST - /api/users/:_id/logs - all the exercises that belong to a specifc user
  • You'll get the responses in the json format.
  • There will be two models : exercises schema(which consists of information about exercises) and user schema(users info)

Getting Started

  1. Tools and Technologies :

    • NodeJS
    • ExpresJS
    • MongoDB
  2. Clone the repository

  3. Install the dependencies

    npm install
  4. Replace the MONGOURI with your mongodb connection string in .env file

  5. Start the server

    npm run start