
Lightweight Node.js framework to build fast microservices on TCP Servers.


Architecture Benchmark

Benchmark Tool

Benchmark Tool: Autocannon HTTP/1.1 benchmarking tool

autocannon -c 20 -a 5000  -m POST --body '{"numbers": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}' --headers 'Content-Type:Application/json' http://localhost:9000/sum


  • Express API Endpoint --> Express REST Microservice
Stat         Avg    Stdev Max
Latency (ms) 76.52  22.53 234.85
Req/Sec      250    50.99 320
Bytes/Sec    112 kB 23 kB 144 kB

5k requests in 20s, 2.25 MB read

REST to Topper

  • Express API Endpoint --> Topper TCP Microservice
Stat         Avg    Stdev  Max
Latency (ms) 24.16  6.4    98.45
Req/Sec      714.29 244.42 919
Bytes/Sec    312 kB 107 kB 402 kB

5k requests in 7s, 2.19 MB read


npm install topper

Create a simple TCP Microservice

  • Write a simple functions to receive an TCP Payload, and a server socket context and register on a Topper Server instance.

const { Server } = require('topper');
const server = new Server('', 4000);

const task = async (data, socket) => {
    console.log(`New message!`);
    await socket.write(`Message payload: ${data}`);


Client Console

nc localhost 4000
verything is connected, Todd...
Message payload: verything is connected, Todd...

Server console output

node app.js
New task registered on tcp://localhost:4000
New message!

Send an JSON message to your TCP Microservice

  • Write a function to receive an JSON string and execute some actions with payload
const { Server } = require('topper');
const server = new Server('', 4000);

const task = async (data, socket) => {
    socket.write(`hello, my name is ${} and i'm ${data.age} old\n`);


nc localhost 4000
{"name": "Matheus Fidelis", "age":22}
hello, my name is Matheus Fidelis and i'm 22 old

Create a Multi Task Microservice

Create some arrays with task definitions and register on your server

const { Server } = require('./');
const server = new Server('', 4000);

const tasks = [
        name: 'Ping',
        task: async (data, socket) => await socket.write('Pong\n')
        name: 'Sum',
        task: async (data, socket) => {
            let sum = data.numbers.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr);
            await socket.write(`The sum is: ${sum} \n`);


Client console

echo 'Sum {"numbers": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}' | nc localhost 4000
echo 'Ping' | nc localhost 4000


The sum is: 15

Create a simple client

const { Client } = require('topper');
const client = new Client();

client.addServer('', 4000);

client.send('Sum', {numbers: [1,2]})
    .then(success => console.log(success.toString()));