
Improve Confluence to Notion HTML exporting using the unofficial Notion API

MIT License



Improve Notion pages imported from a Confluence HTML export using the unofficial Notion API to fix up common issues.

The current state of exporting from Confluence into Notion is that images and attachments are broken, titles are broken, and there are a bunch of annoying formatting issues. This fixes some of those.

Compatible with Python 3.5 and above.

Currently handles:

  1. Deleting extraneous cells at the start of the page
  2. Setting the page title properly
  3. Properly uploading and showing images
  4. Deleting the extraneous "Attachments" section at the end
  5. Deleting JIRA ticket type images that show up huge
  6. Adding a callout that shows when the confluence page was made
  7. Delete emoticon images that become broken
  8. Optionally fix links to imported pages

Does not handle:

  1. Links to confluence pages not in the import (need a full map from confluence page URL to Notion page URL)
  2. Handle videos, PDFs and arbitrary other attachments (they don't import into Notion)
  3. Callout should link back to original confluence page (need a map from confluence page URL to Notion page URL)
  4. Embedded Google Drive links (they don't import into Notion but are hidden in the HTML)
  5. Directory structure (Notion imports flatly, need parent mapping)


1) Export from Confluence to HTML

Space Settings -> Content Tools -> Export -> HTML -> Custom Export -> Deselect All

Select the pages you want -> Export -> Download Here -> Unzip

Save the path of this folder, it will be passed to the script.

2) Import HTML into Notion

... -> Import -> HTML -> Select all HTML pages in the unzipped folder

This will create a page like "Import Mar 18, 2020". You should see the subpages underneath along with an index page.

Save the URL of this page, it will be passed to the script.

3) Set your Notion cookie

In a browser session where you're logged into, open: chrome://settings/cookies/detail?

Find the token_v2 entry and copy the Content.

Set this as an environment variable as follows: export NOTION_TOKEN=8e8ec87b5cf11f4e354fb1d145f78ca...

4) Run confluence_to_notion

Install requirements (just the unofficial Notion API): sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Test with dry run: python3 --confluence ~/Downloads/Confluence_Export --notion --dry-run

If that's looking good and printing the right titles and images, run without --dry-run. No need to wait for dry run traverse all of the pages if it's looking reasonable, you can just abort. The full run can take a while as it recursively parses all blocks and uploads a bunch of images to S3 through Notion.

Notion will live update as the script runs, you can inspect the pages that have been already processed.