
NotionX, a simple, easy-to-use Notion client, is based on the official SDK modification. 一个简单易用的Notion客户端

MIT License



NotionX, a simple and easy-to-use Notion client, is based on the official SDK modification.

Implemented features

  • Latest Notion API support: The code uses the 2022-06-28 version of Notion.
  • Complete API coverage: all methods of the official Notion API documentation (
    have been wrapped.
  • Simple request validation: locally verifies whether the user's request is legal, currently supports key validation of
    the outermost parameters (e.g., whether the parameters provided by the user are complete, whether there are parameters
    not included in the API documentation), while value validation and nested parameter validation are still under
  • Synchronous Client request, which uses httpx for synchronous HTTP requests, asynchronous request feature is under
  • Complete code examples covering 100% of the client methods and over 90% of the code.
  • Complete tests, covering 98%+ of the client code.


  • Python >= 3.7
  • httpx >= 0.23.0


Just install it using pip.

pip install notionx


Before using NotionX, you need to create an integration token, and share at least one page with that integration.

Client initialization

To initialize Notion Client by passing in a dictionary (dictionary parameter style) containing auth_token (the token of the above integration, starting with secret_).

from notionx import Client

client = Client({
    "auth_token": "your_integration_token"

There is another way to initialize, passed in keyword parameter style.

from notionx import Client

client = Client(

The dictionary parameter style and the keyword parameter style also apply to the methods of the client, and we will give the invocation of each style later.

💡 Note!!!

To avoid leaks of the integration token, we do not recommend hard-coding the token explicitly in your source code. It is better to write it to the environment variables and then initialize the client by

import os
from notionx import Client

token = os.getenv("NOTION_AUTH_TOKEN")
client = Client(

In addition to auth_token, Client has several optional initialization parameters, whose names and meanings are shown in the following table.

parameter name type default value description
auth_token str no default value Integration Token
notion_version str "2022-06-28" Notion's version
base_url str "" The root URL for sending API requests
timeout_ms int 90_000 The number of milliseconds to wait before issuing a RequestTimeoutError


See our wikis for details.

Code Examples

We provide code examples that cover all methods of the client and the data is taken from Notion's official documentation.

See also: