
fix notions html exports

AGPL-3.0 License

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future-proof your notion exports

notion's default html exports are the only way to get a lossless backup of your data. however, they are not editable, require an internet connection and are styled very differently from the notion web app.

this script fixes all of that by converting your html exports into an (1) editable, (2) fully offline and (3) notion-styled format.

export type no data loss fully offline editable
notion API (json)
web scraping (html) ❌ (unreliable) ❌ (depends on implementation) ❌ (minified)
html ❌ (CDN dependency) ❌ (minified)
html + notionBackup

we can differentiate between two types of exports:

a) non-html exports: everything that isn't html is inherently lossy. this is because json, markdown and pdf can't express everything that html can (like toggles, nested blocks, etc).

b) html exports: html exports are lossless but not editable (minified), require an internet connection (javascript CDN dependency for KaTeX) and are styled very differently from the notion web app.


when exporting from notion, remember to select "html" as the export format, enable the "everything" option, "include subpages" and also "create folders for subpages".

git clone
cd notionBackup
pip install -r requirements.txt

# demo
python notionbackup ./data/
python notionbackup ./data/
python notionbackup ./data/