
Get locally or globally installation path of given package name.

MIT License


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Get installation path where the given package is installed. Works for globally and locally installed packages

You might also be interested in detect-installed.

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This project requires Node.js v6 and above. Use yarn v1 / npm v5 or above to install it.

$ yarn add get-installed-path


Review carefully the provided examples and the working tests.


Get installed path of globally or locally name package. By default it checks if name exists as directory in global-modules directory of the system. Pass opts.local to get path of name package from local directory or from opts.cwd. Returns rejected promise if module not found in global/local node_modules folder or if it exist but is not a directory.


  • name {string}: package name
  • opts {Object}: pass opts.local to check locally
  • returns {Promise}: rejected promise if name not a string or is empty string


const { getInstalledPath } = require('get-installed-path')

getInstalledPath('npm').then((path) => {
  // => '/home/charlike/.nvm/path/to/lib/node_modules/npm'

getInstalledPath('foo-bar-barwerwlekrjw').catch((err) => {
  // => 'module not found "foo-bar-barwerwlekrjw" in path ...'

getInstalledPath('npm', {
  local: true
}).catch((err) => {
  // => 'module not found "foo-bar-barwerwlekrjw" in path ...'

getInstalledPath('global-modules', {
  local: true
}).then((path) => {
  // => '~/code/get-installed-path/node_modules/global-modules'

// If you are using it for some sub-directory
// pass `opts.cwd` to be where the `node_modules`
// folder is.
getInstalledPath('global-modules', {
  local: true,
  cwd: '../'
}).then((path) => {
  // => '~/code/get-installed-path/node_modules/global-modules'

// When searching for the path of a package that is required
// by several other packages, its path may not be in the
// closest node_modules. In this case, to search recursively,
// you can use the following:
getInstalledPath('npm', {
 paths: process.mainModule.paths
}).then((path) => {
 // ...
// `process.mainModule` refers to the location of the current
// entry script.


Get installed path of a name package synchronous. Returns boolean when paths option is used and filepath is directory, otherwise returns a full filepath OR throws error.


  • name {string}: package name
  • opts {Object}: pass opts.local to check locally
  • returns {string}: The full filepath or throw TypeError if name not a string or is empty string


const { getInstalledPathSync } = require('get-installed-path')

const npmPath = getInstalledPathSync('npm')
// => '/home/charlike/.nvm/path/to/lib/node_modules/npm'

const gmPath = getInstalledPathSync('global-modules', { local: true })
// => '~/code/get-installed-path/node_modules/global-modules'

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  • detect-installed: Checks that given package is installed globally or locally. | homepage
  • global-modules: The directory used by npm for globally installed npm modules. | homepage
  • global-paths: Returns an array of unique "global" directories based on the user's platform… more | [homepage]( "Returns an array of unique "global" directories based on the user's platform and environment. The resulting paths can be used for doing lookups for generators or other globally installed npm packages. Node.js / JavaScript.")
  • global-prefix: Get the npm global path prefix. | homepage
  • is-installed: Checks that given package is installed locally or globally. Useful for robust… more | homepage
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