
gimme_readme is a command-line tool powered by AI that generates a comprehensive file for your project. It analyzes multiple source code files at once, providing concise explanations of each file's purpose, functionality, and key components, all in a single, easy-to-read document.

MIT License



gimme_readme is a command-line tool powered by AI that generates a comprehensive file for your project. It analyzes multiple source code files at once, providing concise explanations of each file's purpose, functionality, and key components, all in a single, easy-to-read document.

See our 0.1 Release Demo!

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Usage
  3. Example Usage
  4. Supported Models by Providers
  5. Contributing
  6. Testing Locally
  7. Author

1. Getting Started

To get started with gimme_readme, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest version of Node.js for your operating system.

  2. Run the following command to install gimme_readme globally:

    npm i -g gimme_readme

    NOTE: MAC/LINUX users may need to run sudo npm i -g gimme_readme

  3. Generate a configuration file by running in any folder you'd like:

    gr-ai -c

    This command creates a .gimme_readme_config file in your home directory. Do not move this file from this location.

  4. Open the .gimme_readme_config file and add your API keys and preferred default values as prompted. Ensure you leave the variable names unchanged.

    • Subsequent runs of gr-ai -c will display the path to your existing config file.
    • See here for an example of what a .gimme_readme_config file looks like!

2. Usage

gimme_readme uses AI to generate a file that explains a given source code file or files. Below are the available options:

Option Description
-v, --version Output the current version
-f, --file [files...] Specify one or more files to generate explanations for
-o, --outputFile <string> Specify the file to output the generated README to
-m, --model <string> Choose a free-tier AI model to use (e.g., gemini, openai, grok)
-p, --prompt <string> Provide a custom prompt to the AI
-c, --config Show the location of the configuration file and provide links to examples
-t, --temperature <number> Set the level of determinism for the AI (value between 0 and 1)
-tkn, --token get information on the tokens consumed (i.e., prompt, completion, & total tokens)
-h, --help Display help for the command

3. Example Usage

Below are some simple examples to help you get started with gimme_readme. For more detailed examples, see here.

Display Help

To display the help menu with all available commands:

gr-ai -h

Display Version Number

To show the current version of gimme_readme:

gr-ai -v

Generate a README for a Source File

To generate a file for one or more source files:

gr-ai -f example.js -o -m gemini-1.5-flash

Generate the number of tokens used during the API call

gr-ai -f example.js -o -m gemini-1.5-flash -tkn
gr-ai -f example.js -o -m llama3-8b-8192 --token

4. Supported Models by Providers

Provider Models
gemini gemini-1.5-flash
groq llama3-8b-8192

5. Contributing

We welcome contributions to improve gimme_readme! To contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Check the existing issues to see if your issue or feature request has already been logged.
  2. If your issue or feature request is already listed, add your comments or create a pull request with your proposed changes.
  3. If your issue or suggestion is not listed, feel free to create a new issue. If possible, provide a pull request that addresses the issue.
  4. To test your local changes to gimme_readme, please read section 6. Testing Locally

When making a pull request, please ensure that your changes are well-documented and adhere to the coding standards of the project.

6. Testing Locally

If you are trying to contribute to the gimme_readme repository, please follow the following steps in sequence to test your changes locally:

  1. Ensure you have Node.js installed

  2. Fork this repository, and clone your forked repository.

  3. On your machine, after cloning your forked repository, navigate to the root of the cloned repository and run the following:

    # Remove the pre-existing, global installation of the gimme-readme repository.
    npm uninstall -g gimme_readme
    # Install the necessary node_modules
    npm i
    # Simulate the environment as if gimme-readme was installed globally via `npm i -g gimme_readme`
    # You can now use the `gr-ai` executable, and changes to your source code should be reflected when you make changes to the repo
    # If your changes aren't reflected after changing the source code, repeat the commands above in sequence.
    npm link
  4. After adding any new code, please try to have a test case made for this code as well.

  5. When you're ready to make a commit, this repository has been set-up to run a pre-commit hook that runs the following:

     # To spot any code issues
     npm run lint
     # To spot any formatting issues
     npm run format
     # To see if any of the existing tests are broken/need to be updated based on your update
     npm run test

    This pre-commit hook aims to ensure that your commit passes the continuous integration tests.

7. Author

Developed by Peter Wan.

For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out through the GitHub repository.