
An NPM package used for doing more with less code

MIT License



Do more with less code

  1. Convert ASCII values to alphanumeric characters
  2. Convert alphanumeric characters to ASCII
  3. Remove letters from exact position and return original string

Regular javascript

// convert string to it's ASCII value
str = ((str.charCodeAt() - 'A'.charCodeAt()) + rotation) % 26

// Get the alphanumeric value from ASCII
cipher.push(String.fromCharCode('A'.charChodeAt() + str))

// check if a string is uppercase
return string === string.toUpperCase()

// check if a string is lowercase
return string === string.toLowerCase()


1. // convert string to it's ASCII value
str = ((ord(str) - ord('A')) + rotation) % 26


2. // Get the alphanumeric value from ASCII
cipher.push(ordFrom(ord('A') + str))


3. // check if a string is uppercase
return isUpper(string)


4. // check if a string is lowercase
return isLower(string)


5. // remove string from exact position
const newString = shrink('Google', 2)
console.log(newString) // return 0

Enter the index of the letter you want to remove

Function accepts the following parameters:
1. the string you want to modify
2. the starting index
3. the ending index (if you do not specify, every element from the starting index will be removed)

const aString = shrink('Bolossom', 2, 3)
console.log(aString) // Boom


6. //converts string to its palindrome
const palindrome = isPalindrome('blossom')
console.log(palindrome) // 'mossolb'


npm install js-ord


{ord, ordFrom, 
isUpper, isLower, 
shrink, isPalindrome} = require('js-ord')

console.log(ord('a')) // 97
console.log(ordFrom(97)) // a

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!


🌸 Blossom

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