
3D Game Engine - .NET 8.0 - C# 12 - WinAppSDK Editor

MIT License


3D Engine

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The 3D Engine is currently in an early stage of development and is not yet equipped with the essential features required for a production-ready game engine. However, a clear and forward-looking development roadmap has been established, with active work being done to implement advanced systems such as virtualized geometry and Radiance Cascades for fully dynamic global illumination. As development progresses, I plan to foster a community starting next year, with the aim of building a C# game engine that integrates seamlessly with Unity workflows. With your support, we can create a powerful and user-friendly engine, complete with an editor, that meets the demands of modern game development.

Key Technologies

Windows App SDK

  • Use the WinAppSDK to create beautiful, modern apps for Windows 11.


  • Vortice.Windows provides bindings for key Windows libraries including:
    • DXGI, WIC, DirectWrite, Direct2D, Direct3D9, Direct3D11, Direct3D12, XInput, XAudio2, X3DAudio, DirectInput, DirectStorage, DirectML, UIAnimation, and DirectSound.

Entity Component System (ECS)

  • ECS is a design pattern for high-performance and flexible game development. It emphasizes separation of data from behavior and supports the "composition over inheritance" principle, improving performance and code reusability.

Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD / USD.NET)

  • OpenUSD is a framework for interchange of 3D computer graphics data. The framework focuses on collaboration, non-destructive editing, and enabling multiple views and opinions about graphics data.

NuGet Package

  • 3DEngine NuGet Package: Install the package via NuGet Package Manager for integration into your project.

    dotnet new console -n Project
    cd Project
    dotnet add package 3DEngine
    dotnet add package Costura.Fody

    Example usage:

    class Program
        private static void Main() =>
            new Engine.Program().Run(true, null, Frame);
        private static bool initialized = false;
        public static void Frame()
            if (!initialized)
                initialized = true;
    Setup in your project:
    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
          <None Remove="FodyWeavers.xml" />
            <PackageReference Include="3DEngine" Version="3.0.39" />
            <PackageReference Include="Costura.Fody" Version="5.7.0">
            <Content Update="$(NuGetPackageRoot)\3dengine\3.0.39\contentFiles\any\net8.0-windows10.0.22621\Assets\Resources\**\*">

    Ensure "PreserveNewest" is set for files in the Assets folder in Visual Studio. Replace the Path to the NuGet Package 3DEngine\3.0.39

Solution Structure

The 3D Engine repository includes:

  • 3DEngine (Package)
  • Editor
  • Engine

You can build the 3DEngine (Package) for both the Editor and Engine as a MSIX Application or the Engine as a portable Win32 Application.

Upcoming Features and Development Roadmap

  • USD Integration
  • Materials
  • Render Textures
  • Compute Shaders
  • Post Processing
  • Gizmos
  • Asynchronous Reprojection
  • Radiance Cascade (Alexander Sannikov)
  • Virtualized Geometry (Nano Tech, Chris K)
  • Networking
  • Spatial Audio
  • PhysX 5
  • Export Build to the Xbox Platform

Build Instructions

To compile the 3D Engine, ensure you have Visual Studio 2022 with the following components:
