
Garcia is a .NET framework

GPL-3.0 License


Garcia is a .Net framework that includes various integrations and utility services. Garcia provides developers to develop fast and powerful web APIs without wasting time with integrations.

Project Architecture:

The architecture is based on the Onion Architecture, so it can be easily used in DDD projects. You can take a look at what Onion Architecture is.

Which Project Layer Contains What ?

The project basically consists of 4 layers. These are :

Layer Content
Domain: Contains different types of base entity classes and interfaces.
Application: Contains some application services , infrastructure services contracts and persistence services contracts.
Infrastructure: The layer of integration and infrastructural services. It contains external service registrations, integration adapter services, some settings classes and interfaces, different kind of base controllers.
Persistence : The layer of persistency. It contains repository services, db context classes and registration services of them.

Table of Contents:


Message Brokers(AMQP, Pub/Sub):

Garcia has own service bus system. Take a look at here.

You can use the following technologies either with garcia service bus or with their own services.


Search Engines:

Real Time:

Push Notification:

API Gateway / Service Discovery:




File Upload:



Intall Garcia and it's dependencies using NuGet:


> Install-Package Garcia



> dotnet add package Garcia

Quick Start:

Let's create a simple crud service with Entity Framework for a quick start.

Creating a Project:

> dotnet new webapi --name QuickStart 

Add Garcia To The Project :

> dotnet add package Garcia

Create Sample Entity:

using Garcia.Domain;

namespace QuickStart;

public class Sample : Entity<long>
    public string Name { get; set; }

Create SampleDto:

public class SampleDto
    public long Id { get; private set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Create SampleController:

using Garcia.Application.Services;
using Garcia.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace QuickStart.Controllers;

public class SampleController : BaseController<Sample, SampleDto>
// BaseController has 2 generic parameters. These are an Entity<long> and a Dto of the Entity.
    public SampleController(IBaseService<Sample, SampleDto, long> services) : base(services)

Register Services To The Program:

Let's register the EntityFramework, repository services and IBaseService.

Add the following statements to the program class:

using Garcia.Application;
using Garcia.Application.Contracts.Persistence;
using Garcia.Persistence.EntityFramework;
using QuickStart;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Other configurations ...


builder.Services.AddBaseService<Sample, SampleDto>();
// BaseService also has a 2 generic parameters. These are an Entity<long> and a Dto of the Entity.

Why Not Add An Authentication While You Are At It ?

You need a just few things adding an authentication.

You Must Create The User:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;
using Garcia.Domain;
using Garcia.Domain.Identity;

public class User : Entity<long>, IUserEntity<long> // User must be an entity and implemented from IUserEntity<TKey>
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }

    public List<string> Roles { get; set; } = new List<string>(); 
    // The role field comes from IUserEntity. If you want, you can customize the Context and define it as the owned entity type. 
    // If you are using MongoDB or Cassandra for persistence of the User you don't need [NotMapped] attribute.

Create UserDto:

using Garcia.Application.Contracts.Identity;

public class UserDto : IUser
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public List<string> Roles { get; set; } = new List<string>();

Create AuthenticationController:

using Garcia.Application.Identity.Services;
using Garcia.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace QuickStart.Controllers;

public class AuthenticationController : BaseAuthController<User, UserDto>
/* BaseAuthController has also 2 generic parameters like a BaseController. 
These are a User BaseType is Entity<long> and implemented from IUserEntity<long>, 
a UserDto implemented from IUser. */
    public AuthenticationController(IAuthenticationService<User, UserDto, long> service) : base(service)

Register Services To The Program:

Add the following statement to the Program.cs:

builder.Services.AddAuthenticationService<User, UserDto>(builder.Configuration);
/* AuthenticationService also has a 2 generic parameters like BaseService. 
These are a User BaseType is Entity<long> and implemented from IUserEntity<long> and a UserDto implemented from IUser.*/

Add JwtIssuerOptions To appsettings.json For AuthenticationService:

AuthenticationService uses JwtService for generate and verify a new jwt. JwtService needs JwtIssuerOptions to do this jobs.

  "JwtIssuerOptions": {
    "Issuer": "garcia",
    "Audience": "garcia",
    "SecretKey": "2c47231f-9da0-45a6-b6ea-4cf89281b63d",
    "ValidFor": 7200

Protect Your Apis:

To protect your controller add Authorize attribute top of the controller.

using Garcia.Application.Services;
using Garcia.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

namespace QuickStart.Controllers;

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer")]
public class SampleController : BaseController<Sample, SampleDto>
    public SampleController(IBaseService<Sample, SampleDto, long> services) : base(services)

Configure Your Swagger:

using Garcia.Infrastructure.Api;

// Other Configurations...


To Run Your Application:

> dotnet run

You can find complete project in here.

And thats it. Many more different features are waiting for you in here. Welcome to Garcia.

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