
Json Repository Configuration for .Net Standard 2.1

MIT License



JsonRepositoryConfiguration is a ConfigurationProvider based implementation which enables you to have your Repository as the refreshable source of your configuration.

It is very similar to Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json. The only difference is that instead of using a appsettings.json file with AddJsonFile(), you can use your own Repository with AddJsonRepository(). Your JSON Repository can provide the data from any internal/external source(s) including SQL/NoSQL Database calls, API calls, etc. a JSON Repository implements IJsonConfigurationRepository which only has GetByKey(string key) method.

This package targets .NET Standard 2.0.

  • Fully works with any mix of other Configuration Providers.
  • Supports Refresh On Change.
  • Overwrites configs that has been registered before it, and will be overwritten by those that has been registered after it (exactly like all other configuration providers in .NET).
  • You still have all those good stuff like IOptions<>, IOptionsMonitor<>, IOptionsSnapshot<> etc.

Installing via NuGet

Install-Package JsonRepositoryConfiguration


public class MyJsonRepository : IJsonConfigurationRepository
    private readonly string _connectionString;

    public MyJsonRepository(string connectionString)
        _connectionString = connectionString;

    public string Get(string key)
        //Make some DB calls
        return value;
          "myConfig": {
            "cofnig1": "someString",
            "config2": 5,
            "config3": true
// Optionaly add your appsettings files as usual:

// Add the JSON Repository
// Assuming this has been set in the previous line.
var connectionString = builder.Build().GetSection("ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString").Value;
builder.AddJsonRepository("appsettings.NZ.json", new MyJsonRepository(connectionString), optional: false, reloadOnChange: true, changeCheckInterval: 20);

Important: To enable Reload On Change feature you MUST also register needed services as following:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){
    // Registering needed services for Reload On Change feature:
    // Binding:

Note: The return string from your JSON Repository must be a valid JSON string (serialized/stringified) starting with "{". Exactly like appsettings.json.

Note: You can provide all your appsettings or only parts of it. This is the same as what you can do with appsettings.json and appsettings.development.json.

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