
Home of NumPy user and reference documentation


Documentation for NumPy

This repo holds the generated documentation for historical versions of NumPy.

To add documentation for a version:

  • Run make dist in the doc directory of a numpy source checkout

  • Expand the resulting `build/dist.tar.gz in the appropriately-named top-level directory, and add it to git. So for NumPy release 1.18 something like:

    git rm -r 1.18
    mkdir 1.18
    tar -C 1.18 <path-to-numpy>/doc/build/dist.tar.gz
    git add 1.18
    git commit -m"Add documentation for v1.18"
  • Edit the index.html to reflect the new files by copy-pasting an existing stanza beginning with <!-- tag vX.YY.Z --> after the <!-- insert here --> comment, and changing the href locations appropriately.

  • Edit the _static/versions.json to reflect the new version.

  • Finally, run pip install packaging; python3 and commit all changes.