
Pytorch_Dart is a dart wrapper for Libtorch,striving to provide an experience identical to PyTorch. You can use it as an alternative to Numpy in your Dart/Flutter projects.

APACHE-2.0 License



Pytorch_Dart is a Dart wrapper for Libtorch, designed to provide a seamless experience akin to PyTorch.

It serves as an alternative to NumPy for Dart/Flutter projects.

This package is experimental and APIs may change in the future.

Platform Status Prebuilt binaries
Windows x64(without CUDA)
Android arm64-v8aarmeabi-v7ax86_64x86
Linux x64(without CUDA)
iOS coming soon
MacOS coming soon

Note: To run Pytorch_Dart on MacOS, replace /libtorch-linux/libtorch with libtorch for MacOS.

Getting Started

Add pytorch_dart to your pubspec.yaml

To include Pytorch_Dart in your Dart/Flutter project, add the following to your pubspec.yaml and then save pubspec.yaml :



Run the setup command below:

flutter pub get
dart run pytorch_dart:setup --platform <your_platform>

<your_platform> only support linux , android and windows now.(iOS coming soon)

For windows developers,if you use debug version of libtorch,the program works well in debug mode but throw some exceptions when you build in release mode and vice versa.

If you need to build in release mode,you have to install the release version of libtorch.

The setup process will install the debug version by default.If you want to get release version of libtorch,run:

dart run pytorch_dart:setup --platform windows release

Enjoy it!

Now you can import Pytorch_Dart in your Dart/Flutter project:

    import 'package:pytorch_dart/pytorch_dart.dart' as torch;

For Android developers

Libtorch for Android requires a specific version of the NDK. Install NDK version 21.4.7075529 as instructed here.

Add the NDK path to your project's android/


Ensure that your file looks similar to:


Also,torch.load() and are not available on Android.


Launching lib\main.dart on Windows in debug mode...
√  Built build\windows\x64\runner\Debug\example.exe.
Error waiting for a debug connection: The log reader stopped unexpectedly, or never started.
Error launching application on Windows.


  1. Download libtorch from here(Download if you want to run in release mode,and download if you want to run in debug mode.)
  2. Unzip it
  3. copy all the files from libtorch\lib\ to build\windows\x64\runner\Debug\ (debug mode) or build\windows\x64\runner\Release(release mode)


Brief Introduction

  1. It include some basic functions in torch now.
  2. Support for inferencing TorchScript models.
  3. Almost all function usages remain consistent with PyTorch.
  4. Broadcasting also works for pytorch_dart.
  5. Support for torch.nn is coming soon.
  6. Example
var d=torch.eye(3,2);


 1  0
 0  1
 0  0
[ CPUFloatType{3,2} ]

Operator overloading

Attention:Dart has no magic functions(like _radd_ in python).Therefore, in binary operators, tensor can only be on the left side.


import 'package:pytorch_dart/pytorch_dart.dart' as torch;

var c=torch.DoubleTensor([[1.0,2.0,3.0],[4.0,5.0,6.0]]);
var d=c+10;// no exception
var e=10+c;//throw exception

Other binary operators (-,*,/)are just like +

For operator [] ,you can use it just like in Pytorch.

However,in current version,slicing is not supported.Therefore,you cant't use [a:b] to select sub tensor.


import 'package:pytorch_dart/pytorch_dart.dart' as torch;

var c=torch.DoubleTensor([[1.0,2.0,3.0],[4.0,5.0,6.0]]);


flutter: 1
[ CPUDoubleType{} ]

Model Inferencing

About how to get a TorchScript Model,see here.

In Pytorch,we use torch.jit.load() to load TorchScript Models and module.forward() to inference.

In Pytorch_Dart,we have equivalent functions:torch.jit_load() and module.forward().They have some small differnece with their Pytorch version.

torch.jit_load() is just like torch.jit.load() in Pytorch,but it is an asynchronous function because we use rootBundle.

To load a model,see example below:

torch.JITModule? module;
void _loadModel() async{
  module=await torch.jit_load('assets/');

However,forward() has some differences with the original Pytorch version.

In Dart,it receives List <Dynamic> which means the input of the function forward() can be List<Tensor>,List<Scalar> or etc.

If the input of your model is a single tensor:

In Python, the following code is written:

outputTensor = module.forward(inputTensor)

But in Dart,you have to put inputTensor into a list:

var outputTensor = module!.forward([inputTensor]);   //! is a null-check opeator

Attention:Half tensors are not supported yet.


We provide an image classigfication example in /example.

To run the example,see pytorch_dart_standalone_examples or run the code below:

git clone
cd pytorch_dart
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
dart run pytorch_dart:setup --platform <your_platform>
cd example
flutter run --debug //or "flutter run --release"


Just like Pytorch,functions in Pytorch_Dart are divided into multiple parts.

In current version,APIs are dividied into 3 parts:

  • torch
  • torch.tensor
  • torch.jit


Supported Functions

  1. torch.tensor() is not supported in pytorch_dart,use torch.IntTensor(),torch.FloatTensor() or torch.DoubleTensor() to create tensors.

  2. Functions avaliable now: Attention: parameters wrapped by {} are optional parameters.

    torch.ones(List<int> size,{bool requiresGrad = false, int dtype = float32, Device? device_used})
    torch.full(List<int> size, num values,{int dtype = float32, bool requiresGrad = false, Device? device_used}))
    torch.eye(int n, int m,{bool requiresGrad = false, int dtype = float32, Device? device_used})
    torch.IntTensor(List<int> list)
    torch.FloatTensor(List<double> list)
    torch.DoubleTensor(List<double> list)
    torch.arange(double start, double end, double step,{bool requiresGrad = false})
    torch.linspace(double start, double end, int steps,{bool requiresGrad = false})
    torch.logspace(double start, double end, int steps, double base,{bool requiresGrad = false})
    torch.equal(Tensor a,Tensor b)
    torch.add(Tensor a, tensor b,{double alpha=1})
    torch.sub(Tensor a, tensor b,{double alpha=1})
    torch.mul(Tensor a, tensor b)
    torch.div(Tensor a, tensor b)
    torch.add_(Tensor a, tensor b,{double alpha=1})
    torch.sub_(Tensor a, tensor b,{double alpha=1})
    torch.mul_(Tensor a, tensor b)
    torch.div_(Tensor a, tensor b)
    torch.sum(Tensor a) a, Tensor b)
    torch.transpose(Tensor a,int dim0,int dim1)
    torch.permute(Tensor a,List <int> permute_list) a,String path)
    torch.load(String path)
    torch.flatten(Tensor a, int startDim, int endDim)
    torch.unsqueeze(Tensor tensor, int dim)
    torch.clone(Tensor tensor)
    torch.topk(Tensor a, int k,{int dim = -1, bool largest = true, bool sorted = true})
    torch.allClose(Tensor left, Tensor right,{double rtol = 1e-08, double atol = 1e-05, bool equal_nan = false})
    torch.empty(List<int> size,{bool requiresGrad = false, int dtype = float32, Device? device_used})
    torch.ones(List<int> size,{bool requiresGrad = false, int dtype = float32, Device? device_used})
    torch.full(List<int> size, num values,{int dtype = float32, bool requiresGrad = false, Device? device_used}))
    torch.eye(int n, int m,{bool requiresGrad = false, int dtype = float32, Device? device_used})
  3. Almost all function usages remain consistent with PyTorch.

  4. Some in-place operation are supported,such as torch.add_()

  5. Example Usage

    import 'package:pytorch_dart/pytorch_dart.dart' as torch;
    var c=torch.DoubleTensor([[1.0,2.0,3.0],[4.0,5.0,6.0]]);
    var d=torch.add(10,c)


     11  12  13
     14  15  16
    [ CPUDoubleType{2,3} ]


  1. torch.tensor Methods
    • .dim()
    • .dtype()
    • .shape()
    • .size()
    • .detach()
    • .add_()
    • .sub_()
    • .mul_()
    • .div_()
    • .toList()
    • .unsqueeze(int dim)
    • .clone()
    • .relu()
    • .leaky_relu()
    • .sigmoid()
    • .tanh()
    • .flatten()
    • .equal(Tensor other)
    • .sum()
    • .mm(Tensor other)
    • .view(List <int> size)

    Note: The .dtype() method in Pytorch_Dart differs from PyTorch. In PyTorch, .dtype returns an object representing the tensor's data type. In Pytorch_Dart, .dtype() returns a numerical representation of the data type. This may be updated in future versions.

  2. Example

    import 'package:pytorch_dart/pytorch_dart.dart' as torch;
    var c=torch.DoubleTensor([[1.0,2.0,3.0],[4.0,5.0,6.0]]);


    flutter: 7

    7 represents torch.float64.

    All the corresponding relations are in lib/src/constants.dart

  3. Other function usages remain consistent with PyTorch.


See Model Inferencing.


  1. Add support for iOS and MacOS.
  2. Add support for other functions,such as torch.nn


This project leverages contributions from pytorch-flutter-FFI-example ,gotorch and TorchSharp

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