
A Swift library inspired by NumPy, focused on efficient numerical computation, array operations, and linear algebra for iOS and macOS development.

MIT License



SwiftNP is a Swift package for numerical computing inspired by the popular Python library, NumPy. It provides support for multi-dimensional arrays (NDArray), along with basic operations on these arrays, such as reshaping, element-wise operations, and more.


  • Multi-dimensional arrays (NDArray)
  • Support for various numeric types (e.g., Int, Float, Double, etc.)
  • Basic array operations (reshape, element-wise operations, etc.)
  • Extensible architecture for additional numerical computing functionality


Swift Package Manager

Add the following to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/k-arindam/SwiftNP", from: "0.0.7")

Then, include SwiftNP as a dependency in your target:

    name: "YourTarget",
    dependencies: ["SwiftNP"]),

Import SwiftNP

In any Swift file where you want to use SwiftNP:

import SwiftNP


Creating an NDArray

You can create a multi-dimensional array by specifying the shape and default values:

let array = SNP.ones(shape: [1, 3, 512, 512])

Basic Array Operations

SwiftNP supports element-wise operations, reshaping, and much more:

let reshapedArray = array.reshape([1, 9])

Data Types

SwiftNP supports a wide range of numeric data types. You can specify the data type when creating an NDArray:

let floatArray = NDArray(shape: [2, 2], dtype: .float64, defaultValue: 21.0)


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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