
Implementation of a search engine using TF-IDF and Word Embedding-based vectorization techniques for efficient document retrieval

MIT License


Text-Based Search Engine Project

Project Overview

This project, developed as an assignment for the Information Retrieval subject, demonstrates the implementation of search engines using two distinct techniques: TF-IDF based vectorization and embedding-based vectorization. Our goal is to showcase efficient and accurate document retrieval in response to user queries, highlighting the differences and advantages of each approach.


  • Dual search engine implementation: TF-IDF and Word Embedding based
  • Query suggestion functionality
  • Document clustering and topic detection
  • Similar document retrieval
  • Efficient offline processing and fast online querying

Technologies Used

  • Python: Primary programming language
  • NumPy: For numerical computations
  • Chroma DB: Vector database for efficient similarity search
  • Gensim: For Word2Vec model implementation
  • Scikit-learn: For TF-IDF vectorization and other machine learning utilities
  • FastAPI: For creating the web API
  • NLTK: For text processing and tokenization


  • Antique: A non-factoid question answering dataset Link
  • Wikipedia: A subset of Wikipedia articles Link

Process Workflow

TF-IDF Based Search Engine

Process Description
Offline Process 1. Load and preprocess documents2. Create vocabulary3. Compute TF-IDF matrix4. Store TF-IDF matrix and vocabulary
Online Process 1. Receive user query2. Preprocess query3. Convert query to TF-IDF vector4. Compute similarity with document vectors5. Rank and return top results

Word2Vec Based Search Engine

Process Description
Offline Process 1. Load and preprocess documents2. Train or load pre-trained Word2Vec model3. Compute document embeddings4. Store embeddings in Chroma DB
Online Process 1. Receive user query2. Preprocess query3. Compute query embedding4. Perform similarity search in Chroma DB5. Rank and return top results

Implementation Details

TF-IDF Based Vectorization

The TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) approach involves:

  • Creating a vocabulary from all documents
  • Computing TF-IDF scores for each term in each document
  • Representing documents and queries as TF-IDF vectors
  • Using cosine similarity to find relevant documents

Embedding-Based Vectorization

The Word Embedding approach involves:

  • Using pre-trained or custom-trained Word2Vec models
  • Representing words as dense vectors
  • Computing document embeddings by averaging word vectors
  • Using vector similarity in embedding space to find relevant documents


Query Suggestion Query Result
Query Suggestion Query Result
Topic Detection Similar Documents
Topic Detection Similar Documents

Performance Comparison

Metric TF-IDF Based Word Embedding Based
MAP 54% 70%
MRR 63% 80%

The Word Embedding based approach shows superior performance in both Mean Average Precision (MAP) and Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) metrics.

Additional Features

Query Suggestion

N-Grams Our system provides query suggestions based on:

  1. Processing the user's input query
  2. Generating word vectors using Word2Vec
  3. Finding similar terms using cosine similarity
  4. Ranking and presenting the top suggestions

Documents Clustering

We implement document clustering to group similar documents and identify topics:

  • Using K-Means clustering algorithm
  • Applying Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for topic modeling

How to Use

[To be added in a future update]


For complete documentation of the project in Arabic, please refer to the following link:

Arabic Documentation

Future Improvements

  • Implement more advanced embedding models (e.g., BERT, GPT)
  • Enhance query suggestion with user interaction data
  • Improve clustering algorithms for better topic detection
  • Optimize performance for larger datasets



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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