YouML: A Machine Learning Toolkit


Table of Contents


The cross-platform application resides in this repository is named YouML which stands for Your (free) Machine Learning (toolkit). It intends to provide the machine learning community a free and no-code toolkit for preprocessing data and building machine learning models. Several key features will be released after no major bug can be found in the current version. The ultimate goal is to deliver a platform where users can obtain solutions to address tough problems in their machine learning tasks.

Task The number of algorithms Extra Information
Data Cleaning 3 N/A
Feature Selection 3 N/A
Data Preprocessing 35 unlimited SQL queries
Data Splitting 4 unlimited SQL queries
Machine Learning 50 23 for classification 27 for regression

According to targets, the names of aforementioned 35 Data Preprocessing algorithms are classified into 3 groups (the ones with asterisk are imported from Scikit-learn). Features (23): Binarizer*, KBinsDiscretizer*, LabelEncoder*, OrdinalEncoder*, MaxAbsScaler*, MinMaxScaler*, StandardScaler*, RobustScaler*, Normalizer*, PolynomialFeatures*, QuantileTransformer*, PowerTransformer*, FeatureRenaming, FeatureRemoving, FeatureAddition, Numeric -> Nominal, Nominal -> Numeric, ValueSorting, ValueReplacement, ValueMerging (specified), ValueMerging (infrequent), Missing -> MostFrequent, Missing -> Percentile, OutlierCleaning Samples (6): Resampling, Randomization, SampleRemoving (range), SampleRemoving (values), SampleRemoving (duplicates), SampleRemoving (infrequent) Dimension (6): OneHotEncoder*, IncrementalPCA*, KernelPCA*, PCA*, FactorAnalysis*, GaussianRandomProjection*

The names of aforementioned 3 Feature Selection algorithms in Scikit-learn are: RFE, SelectFromModel, SelectKBest

The names of aforementioned 23 Classification algorithms in Scikit-learn are: DecisionTreeClassifier, ExtraTreeClassifier, RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier, HistGradientBoostingClassifier, GaussianProcessClassifier, LogisticRegression, PassiveAggressiveClassifier, Perceptron, RidgeClassifier, SGDClassifier, BernoulliNB, CategoricalNB, ComplementNB, GaussianNB, MultinomialNB, KNeighborsClassifier, RadiusNeighborsClassifier, MLPClassifier, LinearSVC, NuSVC, SVC, DummyClassifier

The names of aforementioned 27 Regression algorithms in Scikit-learn are: DecisionTreeRegressor, ExtraTreeRegressor, RandomForestRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, HistGradientBoostingRegressor, GaussianProcessRegressor, LinearRegression, Ridge, SGDRegressor, ElasticNet, Lars, Lasso, LassoLars, LassoLarsIC, OrthogonalMatchingPursuit, ARDRegression, BayesianRidge, HuberRegressor, TheilSenRegressor, PassiveAggressiveRegressor, KNeighborsRegressor, RadiusNeighborsRegressor, LinearSVR, NuSVR, SVR, MLPRegressor, DummyRegressor


Mainstream data science libraries are employed by YouML to ensure high-efficient manipulations, they are:


YouML is designed for entry-to-mid level users (prior knowledge of statistics is desirable), sophisticated users could purchase cloud-based machine learning products from tech giants (e.g., Microsoft, Google, Amazon) if they need such an automation toolkit.

  • Entry-level
    • machine learning learners (e.g., students)
    • programmers who intend to build and incorporate machine learning models into their programs
  • Mid-level
    • users who intend to utilize YouML as a data preprocessing toolkit and feed the preprocessed data into their model scripts
    • users who expect to pinpoint top-N machine learning models in terms of accuracy and/or efficiency (so that they can focus on N models when composing their model scripts)
    • small businesses that eager to gain insights from their data


A preliminary technical solution to accomplish the aforementioned ultimate goal has been determined. I will make every effort and try to look for others to ensure on-schedule completion. What I pursue is to create an application that is/with (a):

  • Toolkit & Solution hub
  • Script-level flexibility
  • No-code & Low learning curve
  • Free


As a personal project, I do realize that YouML has numerous bugs because it has never been tested any user. Therefore, Im eager to hear about your experiences - bug reports, feature requests, questions and suggestions are very welcomed.

Author: Chongya Song Wechat: schongy Email: [email protected] Profile:


YouML complies with the traditional installation routine as common Python packages (i.e., pip3 install YouML and python install), so experienced users may skip this section and directly install YouML in your preferred manners.

For Windows Users

YouML runs on top of built-in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) that hosted on Windows 10 and 11, so the following commands should be executed within the former instead of the latter. Newcomers could install the WSL by referring the instructions below:

Install from PyPi via Pip3

To install YouML, the easiest approach is to execute the following command (case-insensitive) in your command prompt/terminal: pip3 install YouML

Reminder: To achieve a stable performance, YouML retrieved from PyPi (i.e., Python official package repository: is pinned to Python 3.7.11 which is the version for development and self-testing. Furthermore, dozens dependencies that YouML relies on may mess the current Python environment and result in conflicts with the existing packages. Accordingly, it is highly recommended to create a dedicated virtual environment (e.g., conda, pyenv) with a Python version of 3.7.11 for YouML.

Install from Github via Setup Script

If you prefer to employ a Python interpreter with a version higher than 3.7.11 or simply want to install YouML manually, then you could follow the instructions below.

Downloading the entire YouML repository on Github (i.e., and uncompressing it as a folder YouML-main. YouML runs on top of dozens dependencies which can be installed by two package managers:

  1. Conda (recommended)
  2. Pip3

Although it is easier to install dependencies using pip3, I still recommend beginners to install everything through conda due to the following reasons:

  1. The command pip3 search is currently inaccessible due to security threats (as of today Feb 17, 2022). Consequently, you have to manually search alternative dependencies if there is something wrong during installation (e.g., version conflict).
  2. Pip3 installs dependencies in a serial and recursive way, so no effort is made to ensure the compatibilities among dependencies are fulfilled simultaneously.
  3. The prerequisite of using pip3 is to install a Python3 interpreter on your local machine. If the version of the installed Python3 interpreter is lower than 3.7.11, YouML is unable to drop features/columns via SQL queries and you have to search & install a new one to fulfill this requirement. Different interpreters reside in the same environment may result in conflicts and/or confuse you when using.


  1. Installing Anaconda or Miniconda (recommended) by following the instructions below. Beginners could download and use any installer (excluding ARM-based) to simplify the installation.

  2. Opening a command prompt/terminal and navigating into the uncompressed folder: YouML-main/YouML_MacOS (for MacOS Users) or YouML-main/YouML_Linux_Windows (for Linux and Windows Users) Reminder: installing YouML outside the folder YouML_xxxxx will result in ModuleNotFoundError).

  3. conda config --append channels conda-forge This command enables your conda to download dependencies from conda-forge repository because a few dependencies and/or specific versions are not available in the default repository.

  4. conda create --name YouML --file Dependency.txt --yes This command creates a new conda virtual environment named YouML (case-insensitive on MacOS, but case-sensitive on Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux) in which all dependencies are installed.

  5. conda activate YouML This command brings you into the conda virtual environment YouML.

  6. python3 install This command installs YouML into the conda virtual environment, which can be launched by command: YouML (case-insensitive on MacOS, but case-sensitive on Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux). Reminder: the prerequisite of launching YouML in this manner is to enter the conda virtual environment YouML (i.e., step No.5).


  1. Installing a Python3 interpreter with a version of 3.7.11 (pip is included by default).

  2. Opening a command prompt/terminal and navigating into the uncompressed folder: YouML-main/YouML_MacOS (for MacOS Users) or YouML-main/YouML_Linux_Windows (for Linux and Windows Users) Reminder: installing YouML outside the folder YouML_xxxxx will result in ModuleNotFoundError).

  3. python3 install This command installs YouML and the associated dependencies on your machine, which can be launched by command: YouML (case-insensitive on MacOS, but case-sensitive on Linux and Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Optional (highly recommended)

  1. For MacOS Users which YouML | xargs -I {} cp {} /Applications This command creates a copy of YouML executable in folder /Applications. Now, you can drag & drop it to anywhere (e.g., dock) and/or open it by clicking.

  2. For Linux Users which YouML | xargs -I {} cp {} ~/ This command creates a copy of YouML executable in your home folder ~/. Now, you can drag & drop it to anywhere (e.g., dock) and/or open it by clicking.

  3. For Windows Users (i.e., Windows Subsystem for Linux - WSL) which YouML | xargs -I {} sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF > /usr/share/applications/YouML.desktop [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=YouML Version=0.6 Exec={} EOF' This command creates a shortcut of YouML executable in your start menu of Windows. Now, you can pin it to anywhere (e.g., taskbar) and/or open it by clicking.


Reminder: ARM-based Macs may wait for minutes when starting YouML for the first time (due to the binary translation performed by Rosetta 2), but it only takes seconds to start YouML afterward.

1. Auto-save

YouML is able to track and save your most-updated progress automatically, so there is no save button and data will not loss unless YouML is quit forcibly.

2. Availablility of Sidebars

The availablility of sidebars on each panel is shown in the table below. To trigger a sidebar, you should move the pointer to the corresponding edge/border.

Sidebar / Panel Experiment Data Sampling Processing Splitting Model
Workflow (left)
Table (bottom)
Feature Selection (right)

3. Creating A Branch for An Experiment

You may run into the following situation during data preprocessing: you are very satisfied with the conducted manipulations so far, however, you have different ideas for the next steps and would like to compare the accuracy of models result from different data. Achieving it through repeatedly undo and redo multiple manipulations is apparently a bad practice. Fortunately, YouML allows you to create a branch for an experiment by clicking a button next to the experiment name, which works in the following way:

Assume an experiment has conducted 3 data manipulations: original data ---1---> data_1 ---2---> data_2 ---3---> data_3 After creating a branch, both of the experiment and its branch are starting/attached with/to data_3 (i.e., original data). Reminder: if you choose another data in data panel, the new data will be employed in creating a branch because Auto-save is always tracking your most-updated progress (refer to USAGE No.1).

4. Terminating Redundant Plotting and Useless Data Loading

The employed plotting library Matplotlib is not designed for real-time display, but for generating publication-quality figures. By default, a small figure associated with each feature is produced and filled into a table at the bottom after each preprocessing manipulation. As a result, YouML may take more than 10 seconds to draw all colorful figures (refer to the second paragraph of USAGE No.3) if the numbers of samples and features exceed 50,000 and 50, simultaneously. It is the fact that the small figures are not that informative due to the limitation of the size. Therefore, YouML also visualizes each feature in separate 6X-larger widgets and doesnt generate these redundant (i.e., small) figures when the product of #samples and #features is greater than 2.5e6 (i.e., 50,000 times 50). The 6X-larger figures are publication-quality (i.e., ppi = 300) and are generated within a few seconds even if the number of samples exceeds 1e5.

Furthermore, samples are also loaded into the table after each preprocessing manipulation. However, users would refer to summary and statistical information instead of specific samples when preprocessing big data in practice. Consequently, YouML allows users to manually turn off the data loading and the figure plotting features.

5. Adaptive Data Visualization Algorithm

You may find some of the small figures are different from the corresponding large ones. This is not caused by a bug, but result from a built-in adaptive data visualization algorithm. In short, the algorithm is able to mine data pattern from various perspectives by adjusting 6 decoupled parameters (will be available in YouML). As a result, users may discover more valuable patterns, generate more informative data and build more accurate models.

In addition, if the number of unique target values doesnt exceed 20 (configurable in future versions), the large figures are colorful and each color represents one value, otherwise, the large figures are plain. This is due to a fact that users may not gain useful information from complicated figures.

On the other hand, the labels on each axis are separately replaced by unique letters if the number of labels exceeds 26 or the conjunction of all labels is longer than the corresponding axis. The mapping relation between labels and letter can be found in a list adjacent to figures.



Experiment Panel

Data Panel (attach data)

Data Panel (import data)

Sampling Panel with Feature Selection

Processing Panel

Splitting Panel with Workflow

Model Panel (classification)

Model Panel (regression)


Quick View






Installation (from GitHub via



Installation (from PyPI via Pip3)



Linux and Windows Versions



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