
I made a new professional website to let people know that I write code in exchange of money. Now with handcrafted HTML.

LGPL-3.0 License



Yes, I made a new portfolio website for my freelance services. Features include:

  • Not based on WordPress (I guess that is a feature for some).
  • Multilingual, serves content both in English and in Spanish.
  • New domain, to keep the SEO clean (danirod.es can be a digital garden again).

Powered by Nuxt 3 and UnoCSS.


  • Setup: npm install
  • Run the server: npm run dev
  • Build the app: npm run build
  • Test in production: npm run preview

Development notes

Contact form

It uses an integration against Mailgun. There is a server endpoint in /server/api/contact.post.ts which will receive the payload from the contact form and deliver it via their REST API. Here are some important remarks.

Non-XHR fallback

It is important that the contact form does content negotiation, period. I've seen a couple of times an unhandled exception inside the Nuxt internals that causes all the JavaScript of the site to stop working and handling events, so this is a real threat.

Pressing "Send" and not having the form submitted is unacceptable, which means that the form requires proper action and method parameters so that if the JavaScript event handler fails, it does a standard HTTP POST submit like in the good old times.

It is important that the AJAX request sets the Accept header to application/json, because that is what the backend endpoint will use to detect if this is a XHR request or not. XHR requests will receive a JSON body as this is what the Accept header asks. If it's not an XHR request, the endpoint will 302 to contact/success.vue, which presents a fairly traditional and boring confirmation message.


The following four environment variables must be declared and present:

  • MAILGUN_API_KEY: An API key to use Mailgun's REST API in order to deliver
    contact forms.
  • MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN: The domain to use when sending an e-mail. Might be
    danirod.dev, might be the sandbox domain.
  • MAILGUN_API_FROM: Just a way to parameterize the email to show in the From
    header, usually [email protected], but not hardcoded anyway.
  • MAILGUN_API_TO: Just a way to parameterize the email where the contact form
    will be delivered, usually my business mail, but not hardcoded anyway.
  • MAILGUN_API_ENDPOINT: Set to https://api.eu.mailgun.net when Mailgun is
    configured to use European servers, otherwise it will return HTTP 401.



Additional requirements (should be covered by nuxt-i18n but it is important to take a look):

  • Make sure that the html tag has the proper lang="" attribute.
  • Make sure that there are hreflang references in the head.