

Gold Country Model Horse Show

Project Description

This Nuxt application is a rebuild of a client's event information and registration website The application leverages the NuxtUI component library and Tailwind CSS to create a fully responsive user interface. The app implements advanced features such as conditional rendering, sub-navigation menus, and dark mode to improve usability and aesthetics.

  • Note: The next GCMHS event has not been scheduled. This application is a prototype to replace an existing website. All names that appear on this application are fictional.


Class List view: Complete event information mapped from an updatable JSON file into NuxtUI accordion components.

Show Rules view: Detailed information about all show rules. The page is divided into sections that are navigable using the NuxtUI accordion (mobile only) and vertical navigation components.

Registration Form: Users may input their name, email, and attendance details into the interactive form on the Event Form view. The form is live-validated using Zod.

  • Note: The form is used for demonstration purposes only. User data is not submitted or saved.


App Dependencies

  • Vue.js
  • Nuxt
  • @nuxt/ui (component library)
  • @nuxtjs/google-fonts
  • @nuxt/scripts
  • nuxt-viewport
  • Zod

Dev Dependencies:

  • @nuxt/eslint-config
  • @nuxtjs/color-mode
  • @nuxtjs/tailwindcss
  • eslint
  • eslint-config-prettier
  • eslint-plugin-prettier
  • prettier
  • prettier-plugin-tailwindcss


  • Build script: npm run build or nuxt build

  • Run the app in development mode: npm run dev or nuxt dev
