BRCPopUp is a versatile, highly customizable PopUp menu library for iOS. 一个高度定制,功能强大的iOS弹出框。大于 v1.2.0 支持 SwiftUI

MIT License




BRCPopUper is a powerful pop-up management tool that offers high customization and rich animation effects, easily meeting the needs of various complex scenarios.


  • Multiple framework support: Supports two frameworks, SwiftUI and UIKit, and supports both OC and Swift languages.
  • Highly Customizable: Supports custom content views, background colors, shadow effects, rounded corners, etc.
  • Rich animation effects: Built-in multiple animation effects and supports custom animations.
  • Diverse content support: Supports text and image content, and provides convenient methods for settings.
  • Flexible pop-up and disappearance methods: supports pop-up at a certain view and a certain point position, supports automatic disappearance and manual control of disappearance.
  • Complete proxy callback: Provides a variety of proxy callback methods to facilitate monitoring of various events in pop-up boxes.

Fast Usage

1.Pop up a piece of text


#import <BRCPopUp/UIView+BRCPopUp.h>

    brc_popUpTip:@"Hello, I am a fully functional and highly customized DropDown/PopUp component. Nice to meet you!" 


import BRCPopUp

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.4) {
   self.navigationItem.titleView?.brc_popUpTip("Hello, I am a fully functional and highly customized DropDown/PopUp component. Nice to meet you!", direction: .bottom,hideAfter: 2.0);


import BRCPopUp

struct PopUpView : View {
    @State var isTest1Present : Bool = false;
    var body : some View {
        Vstack {
            Text("Hello world")
            .brc_popUpTip(isPresented: $isTest1Present, tipText: "Hello, I am a fully functional and highly customized DropDown/PopUp component. Nice to meet you!") {
                .contentInsets(.init(top: 8, leading: 8, bottom: 8, trailing: 8))
                .textFont(.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16.0))
                .fitSize(.init(width: kBRCScreenWidth / 2, height: .infinity))

2.Pop up a menu

[!Note] Supported by version 1.3.0 or above


#import <BRCPopUp/UIView+BRCPopUp.h>
[self.navigationItem.titleView brc_popUpMenu:@[
    [BRCPopUpMenuAction actionWithTitle:@"Hello" image:nil handler:^(BRCPopUpMenuAction * _Nonnull action) {
        // TODO: 
] withDirection:BRCPopUpDirectionBottom hideAfter:3.0];


import BRCPopUp

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.4) {
        BRCPopUpMenuAction(title: "Hello", image: nil, handler: { action in
            // TODO: 
    ], direction: .bottom,hideAfter: 2.0)


import BRCPopUp

struct PopUpView : View {
    @State var isTest3Present : Bool = false;
    var body : some View {
        Vstack {
            Text("Hello world")
            .brc_popUpMenu(isPresented: $isTest3Present
             menuActions: [
                BRCPopUpMenuAction(title: String.brctest_localizableWithKey(""), image: nil, handler: { action in
                BRCPopUpMenuAction(title: String.brctest_localizableWithKey(""), image: nil, handler: { action in
                BRCPopUpMenuAction(title: String.brctest_localizableWithKey(""), image: nil, handler: { action in
            ]) {
                .contentInsets(.init(top: 8, leading: 8, bottom: 8, trailing: 8))
                .textFont(.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16.0))
                .fitSize(.init(width: kBRCScreenWidth / 2, height: .infinity))

3.Pop up a custom view


#import <BRCPopUp/UIView+BRCPopUp.h>

[self.navigationItem.titleView brc_popUpView:[UIView new] containerSize:CGSizeMake(200, 200) withDirection:BRCPopUpDirectionBottom];


import BRCPopUp

self.navigationItem.titleView?.brc_popUpView(UIView(), containerSize: .init(width: 200, height: 200), direction: .bottom)


import BRCPopUp

struct PopUpView : View {
    @State var isTest4Present : Bool = false;
    var body : some View {
        Vstack {
            Text("Hello world")
              .brc_popUpView(isPresented: $isTest4Present,view: {
                 // TOOD: CustomView()
              },customize: {
                    .containerSize(.init(width: kBRCScreenWidth / 2, height: 200))

            .onTapGesture {

Instructions for use

1. Parameter description

[!Note] BRCPopUp provides many custom parameters. Learning to use these parameters correctly will help you use this component better.

Q: I want to customize the arrow style of the pop-up box. How to set the parameters? A:

  1. Basic attributes: arrowRadius, arrowSize, arrowDirection, arrowRelativePosition, arrowAbsolutePosition. It should be noted that when you set the popUpDirection attribute of the pop-up box, the arrowRelativePosition attribute Will follow the popUpDirection adaptive setting.
  2. Advanced properties:
    arrowCenterAlignToAnchor makes the arrow always point to the center of the anchored view (except in a few cases, the offset set is too large to point), it is recommended to turn on

Q: I want to customize the external layout of the pop-up box. How to set the parameters? A:

  1. Basic properties: containerSize, containerHeight, containerWidth. You can use these properties with the following advanced properties to customize its external layout.
  2. Advanced properties:
    marginToAnchorView: External spacing from popup view to anchor view

contentAlignment:Alignment between popover view and anchor view

offsetToAnchorView: The relative offset between the pop-up box view and the anchor view. Before setting this parameter, you need to pay attention to setting the contentAlignment parameter, because the offset is based on the alignment.

autoFitContainerSize: Adaptively adjust the size of the pop-up box container according to the anchor view. It should be noted that after you actively set containerSize, this property will no longer take effect.


  • When the pop-up direction is top / bottom, then ContainerSize = (AnchorViewWidth,AnchorViewWidth)
  • When the pop-up direction is left / right, then ContainerSize = (AnchorViewHeight,AnchorViewHeight)

autoCutoffRelief: Whether to cut off the part beyond the pop-up box's parent view. After you set the anchor view and pop-up box container size, the component will internally calculate the Frame of the pop-up box view based on the pop-up direction. When the calculated pop-up box is calculated, the Frame of the pop-up box view will be calculated. If the position of the box exceeds the scope of its parent view, the width and height will be adaptively cropped.

Q: I want to customize the parent view of the pop-up box. How should I set the parameters? A:

  1. Basic parameters:
    popUpSuperView: Specifies the parent view of the pop-up box
  2. Advanced parameters:
    contextStyle: Specify the style of the pop-up box parent view, which are SuperView / ViewController / Window / SuperScrollView


  • SuperView: Specifies that the parent view of the pop-up box is the superview of the anchored view.
  • ViewController: Specify the pop-up box's parent view as the anchor view's controller.view
  • Window: Specify the pop-up box parent view as the current Window
  • SuperScrollView: Specify the parent view of the pop-up box as the SuperScrollView closest to the anchor view

contextWindow: When you set contextStyle to Window, you can customize the pop-up box that pops up Which Window is the parent view? The default is App's KeyWindow

Q: I want to customize the pop-up style of the pop-up box. How should I set the parameters? A:

  1. Basic parameters:
    popUpDirection, hideAfterDelayDuration: can help you customize the direction of the pop-up and automatically dismiss the pop-up
    View time
  2. Advanced parameters:
    dismissMode: This parameter determines the dismissal mode of the pop-up box. It supports the user to touch the pop-up box background view to automatically dismiss the pop-up box. You can get the callback of this event in delegate

Q: I want to customize the animation style of the pop-up box. How should I set the parameters? A:

  1. Basic parameters:
    popUpAnimationType, popUpAnimationDuration: can help you customize the pop-up animation style and duration of the pop-up box respectively. There are 7 commonly used pop-up animation styles inside and out
  2. Advanced parameters:
    popUpAnimation: Customized CAAnimation pop-up animation, which will be added to the pop-up box root view layer
    bubbleAnchorPoint: After you customize the popUpAnimation parameter, you may need to customize the anchorPoint to help you improve the effect of the pop-up animation.

2.SwiftUI support

[!Note] BRCPopUp has expanded and supported SwiftUI after v1.2.0. If you need to use this component in SwiftUI, please upgrade to the version > v1.2.0

1. Level of support

Currently, SwiftUI already supports four pop-up box types: Menu / Text / Image / CustomView. You only need to introduce BRCPopUp, and then you can call the API on all views that comply with the View protocol to pop up content.

APIs currently not supported: popUpAnimation, bubbleAnchorPoint

2.Advanced use

Since SwiftUI does not support direct access to the view tree like UIKit, the following scenario is targeted:

  • Pop up a view in ScrollView and hope that the view can slide with it
  • Want to specify the parent view of the pop-up box

We have launched the BRCPopUpWrapper tool class, you need to upgrade to a version after v1.3.0.

Q: How to use the BRCPopUpWrapper utility class? A: You need to let this tool class wrap the parent view of the pop-up box you want to specify, and then the tool class will give a callback. In the callback, you will get the UIView it converted, and then use it as Parameters are passed to BRCPopUp, examples will be provided later.



BRCPopUper *popUper = [[BRCPopUper alloc] initWithContentStyle:BRCPopUpContentStyleCustom];
[popUper showWithAnchorView:anchorView hideAfterDelay:3.0]


let popUper = BRCPopUper.init(contentStyle: .text);
popUper.showWithAnimation(view:anchorView, hideAfterDelay: 3.0);


 struct TestView : View {
    @State var isTest3Present : Bool = false;
    @State var context : UIView = UIView();
    var body : some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Hello World");
            BRCPopUpWrapper(.nearestScrollView) {
                ScrollView {
                    Button {
                    } label: {
                        Text("Click Me")
                            .frame(width: 100, height: 40)
                    .brc_popUpView(isPresented: $isTest3Present) {
                        MenuButton(menuArray: [
                    } customize: {
                            .containerSize(.init(width: 100, height: 150))
            } onFindContextUIView: { view in
                context = view;


  • iOS 13.0
  • Xcode 12+


BRCPopUp is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'BRCPopUp'


zhixiongsun, [email protected]


BRCPopUp is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.