
A simple shopping list for your iPhone

GPL-3.0 License




Einkaufszettl is a pretty simple app for iOS to help you writing your shopping list and doing your groceries. It has been my very first app for iOS. Unfortunately, it is in a quite poor condition and to motivate myself even more to change that, I decided to open source it on Github.

You can download it from the App Store for free it's available world-wide, although it aims for German speaking countries. To run the app, you need iOS 11.

It has an amazing Website, too. Please visit that website to find some screenshots.

I'd like to mention, that Einkaufszettl uses Gear-Icon, which is made by Gregor Cresnar from www.flaticon.com


The code is written in both Swift and Objective C. A past me wrote some Unit Tests once, another (later) past me deactivated them some months later. It uses Core Data and doesn't have any third-party dependencies.

To build the app, just clone this repository, open the project in Xcode 9.3, change the bundle identifier and the development team and hit CMD+R.