


A multi-device Ember.js app, using nw.js and Apache Cordova to generate a web app, a mobile app, and a desktop app from a single codebase.

In my presentation at Mobile+Web Devcon, I used several git branches to advance through stages of building this app, step by step.

  • step-0: Ember-cli set up
  • step-1: Routes, with some debugging info in templates to prove that URLs work
  • step-2: ember-data models, working adapters and serializers that hit the github API
  • step-3: improve UI by setting up ember-cli-materialize
  • step-4: apache cordova works
  • step-5: nw.js works
  • step-6: nw.js app has window constraints, and no address bar


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • change into the new directory
  • npm install
  • bower install

Running / Development

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build (development)
  • ember build --environment production (production)


Specify what it takes to deploy your app.

Further Reading / Useful Links