
A lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C

MIT License


Gummi Injection


Gummi Injection is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C.


Gummi-Injection uses Gummi Reflection to inspect objects.


  • Add and remove injection rules (mappings) at any time
  • One api for different kind of mappings ([injector map: to:])
  • Inject into existing objects
  • Extend injector context with modules
  • Add or remove modules at any time
  • Map blocks to classes or protocols
  • Map singletons and eager singletons
  • Handles circular dependencies for singletons
  • Injector can create unmapped dependencies, when they can be created like this [[MyObject alloc] init]
  • Specify a custom selector for objects to get notified when injection is complete
  • Child Injector

How to use Gummi Injection

Get an injector

// Create your own injector
GIInjector *injector = [[GIInjector alloc] init];

// or use the shared injector
GIInjector *injector = [GIInjector sharedInjector];

// Child Injector
GIInjector *childInjector = [injector createChildInjector];

Add injection rules [injector map:object to:keyObject]

// Map classes
[injector map:[MyImplementation class] to:@protocol(MyProtocol)];

// You don't have to do this. Gummi Injection will figure it out itself.
[injector map:[MyImplementation class] to:[MyImplementation class]];

// But you could do this
[injector map:[MyImplementation1 class] to:[MyImplementation2 class]];

// Map instances
[injector map:car to:[Car class]]
[injector map:car to:@protocol(Vehicle)]

// Map singletons and eager singletons.
// Eager singletons will be instantiated immediately
[injector mapEagerSingleton:[Service class] to:@protocol(RemoteService)];
[injector mapSingleton:[Model class] to:[Model class]];

// Map blocks
id (^factoryBlock)(GIInjector *) = ^(GIInjector *injector) {
    id stuff = [injector getObject:[SomeStuff class]];
    Car *car = [[Car alloc] initWithStuff:stuff];
    return car;
[injector map:factoryBlock to:@protocol(Vehicle)];

// You can remove mappings at any time
[injector unMap:[Service class] from:@protocol(RemoteService)];

Mark properties for injection with "inject"

@class Wheel;

@interface Car : NSObject <Vehicle>
@property(nonatomic, strong) Wheel *wheel1;
@property(nonatomic, strong) Wheel *wheel2;
@property(nonatomic, strong) Wheel *wheel3;
@property(nonatomic, strong) Wheel *wheel4;
@property(nonatomic) id <Engine> engine;

@implementation Car

inject(@"wheel1", @"wheel2", @"wheel3", @"wheel4", @"engine");

// Optional selector gets performed, when injection is complete

- (void)startEngine {
    if (self.engine)
        NSLog(@"[%@] Brrrmmmmm....", NSStringFromClass([self class]));


Create an object with all dependencies set

When an object gets created by calling injector#getObject, all its dependencies will be satisfied as well.

// No need to set up rules for simple injections like Wheel
// that can be created with alloc init.
// For protocols there's no way to know which implementation to return -
// we need to set up a rule for it.
[injector map:[HybridEngine class] to:@protocol(Engine)];

Car *car = [injector getObject:[Car class]];

// or use protocols
[injector map:[Car class] to:@protocol(Vehicle)];
Car *car = [injector getObject:@protocol(Vehicle)];

// or inject into existing objects
Car *car = [[Car alloc] init];
[injector injectIntoObject:car];

// This will happen:
// - getObject looks up type Car -> no rule set -> Instantiate Car and inject into object
//     - Each Car wants Wheels
//         - Look up type Wheel -> no rule set -> Instantiate Wheel and inject into object
//     - Car wants <Engine>
//         - Look up type <Engine> -> rule found: [HybridEngine class]
//         - Instantiate HybridEngine and inject into object
// Done


Modules are a wrapper for related mappings. They extend the context of the injector and can be added and removed at any time.

GIModule *module = [[GameModule alloc] init];
[injector addModule:module];

// After the game, remove the Module by class
[injector removeModuleClass:[GameModule class]];
// or by instance
[injector removeModule:gameModule];
@interface GameModule : GIModule

@implementation GameModule

- (void)configure:(GIInjector *)injector {
    [super configure:injector];

    [self mapSingleton:[MyGameModel class]
    // Example Service starts automatically on init
    [self mapEagerSingleton:[MyRemoteService class]

- (void)unload {
    // For convenience, close all connections to stop service
    Service *service = [_injector getObject:@protocol(RemoteService)];
    [service close];

    [super unload];

- (void)dealloc {
    NSLog(@"Service and Model get dealloced with me.");


Install Gummi Injection

You find the source files you need in Gummi-Injection/Classes.

You also need:


Install [CocoaPods] ( and add the Gummi Injection reference to your Podfile

platform :ios, '5.0'
  pod 'Gummi-Injection'

Add this remote

$ pod repo add sschmid-cocoapods-specs

Install Gummi Injection

$ cd path/to/project
$ pod install

Open the created Xcode Workspace file.

Projects that use Gummi Injection