
An example of a two way communication between an iOS companion app and a ConnectIQ app on a Garmin device.


ConnectIQ and iOS comms example

A pair of simple example apps that use the Garmin Connect iOS app to initiate connection between a ConnectIQ and an iOS device.

After initiating connection in AppDelegate func deviceStatusChanged(_ device: IQDevice!, status: IQDeviceStatus) on state .connected, a listener for messages is registered and from that point onward, all messages sent from the ConnectIQ app are shown in the iOS app in its only view.

Likewise, the ConnectIQ app is listening for messages and shows the sent message at the center of the screen.

After the first message sent from the iOS app, further messages can be sent manually by tapping the visible text.

ConnectIQ App

Visit ConnectIQ subfolder for the readme specific to the ConnectIQ app.

iOS Companion App

Visit iOS subfolder for the readme specific to the iOS companion app.


For some unknown reason, ConnectIQ iOS SDK REQUIRES your app to set "Bundle display name" (key CFBundleDisplayName in Info.plist) or the device selection just up and fails.

If anything's not clear enough, consult Official ConnectIQ iOS SDK Guide.