
UITextField subclass with floating labels - inspired by Matt D. Smith's design: http://dribbble.com/shots/1254439--GIF-Mobile-Form-Interaction?list=users

MIT License



JVFloatLabeledTextField is the first implementation of a UX pattern that has come to be known the "Float Label Pattern".

Due to space constraints on mobile devices, it is common to rely solely on placeholders as a means to label fields. This presents a UX problem, in that, once the user begins to fill out a form, no labels are present.

This UI component library, which includes both a UITextField and UITextView subclass, aims to improve the user experience by having placeholders transition into floating labels that hover above the fields after they are populated with text.

Credits for the concept to Matt D. Smith (@mds), and his original design:

The component is officially supported for iOS 9 and greater.

Getting started via CocoaPods

sudo gem install cocoapods

Create a Podfile in your project directory:

pod init

Add the following to your Podfile project's target:

pod 'JVFloatLabeledTextField'

Then run CocoaPods with pod install.

Finally, include JVFloatLabeledTextField.h and JVFloatLabeledTextView.h in your project.

Getting started via Carthage

brew update
brew install carthage

Create a Cartfile in your project directory that contains:

github "jverdi/JVFloatLabeledTextField"

Then run carthage with carthage update and add JVFloatLabeledText.framework to your project from the Carthage/Build/iOS directory.

Finally, include JVFloatLabeledText.h in your project:

#import <JVFloatLabeledText/JVFloatLabeledText.h>

Getting started via SPM (Xcode 11+)

Click File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency, enter JVFloatLabeledText repo's URL.

After select the package, you can choose the dependency type (tagged version, branch or commit). Then Xcode will setup all the stuff for you.

If you're a framework author and use JVFloatLabeledTextField as a dependency, update your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/jverdi/JVFloatLabeledTextField", from: "1.2.2")

Additional References

How the Float Label Pattern Started - Matt D. Smith Float Label Pattern - Brad Frost Material Design - Floating Labels - Google

Ports and Alternate Implementations

Android - Henrik Sandström Android - Kaushik Gopal Android - Kevin Johnson Xamarin.iOS - Greg Shackles Xamarin.Android - Johan du Toit CSS Jonathan Snook JQuery / Zepto.js - Achmad Mahardi JQuery - Mike Mitchell AngularJS - Dave Ackerman Bootstrap plugin - Matt Powell JavaFX - Andy Till Swift - Dirk Fabisch Swift - Fahim Farook Swift - Neeraj Kumar Swift - Jimmy Jose Swift - Skyscanner (Daniel Langh, Gergely Orosz, Raimon Lapuente) ObjC - Arthur Ariel Sabintsev ObjC - Rob Phillips 4D - Maurice Inzirillo Appcelerator Titanium - The Smiths B4i - Erel Uziel

Added a port? Let me know - @jverdi