
🍎🕵🏻‍♂️ macOS Private Frameworks

MIT License


macOS Private Frameworks

This repo contains headers extracted from private frameworks that are included in various macOS releases. These have been generated using class-dump, which appears to no longer be actively maintained.

Caveat Emptor

The contents of this repo serve only as intellectual entertainment and should not be used as a point of reference. As stated in section 3.3.1 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement your applications should not use these undocumented APIs.

3.3.1 Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Further, macOS Applications submitted to Apple for distribution on the App Store may use only Documented APIs included in the default installation of macOS or as bundled with Xcode and the Mac SDK; deprecated technologies (such as Java) may not be used.

The headers contained in this repo do not serve as documentation because there is no guarantee that they are correct. One can only guess what the API do based on the object and method names. Furthermore, using private APIs in a production app is a terrible idea because they could change at any time, breaking your app!


In order to facilitate diffing headers for different macOS versions, branches will be maintained for major releases. These branches will be rebased onto each other in order to build up a historical view. Patch level releases will be tagged.

  • master - "Catalina"
  • 10.14 - "Mojave"
  • 10.13 - "High Sierra"
  • 10.12 - "Sierra"
  • 10.11 - "El Capitan"
  • 10.10 - "Yosemite"
  • 10.9 - "Mavericks"


The class dump command can be found in build.gradle.kts.


./gradlew taskName

  • listFrameworks - Lists all frameworks found at /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
  • dumpHeaders - Extracts headers from all private frameworks on the current macOS system into the local project PrivateFrameworks folder (takes several minutes to run on ~500 frameworks).
  • dumpHeaders<FrameworkName> - Extracts headers for a single framework. This is a task rule and will fail if FrameworkName does not exist. (example: ./gradlew dumpHeadersCoreUI)


This repo is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for rights and limitations.