
Objective-C GitHub API library for iOS 5.0+ and OS X 10.7+.

OTHER License



An Objective-C (ARC enabled) library for version 3 of the GitHub API, for iOS 5.0+ and Mac OS X 10.7+.

The official website holds an [API reference guide]((http://libobjectivehub.com/docs) and some guides on how to work with ObjectiveHub.

The development speed and growth of ObjectiveHub is bound by the rate of the documentation. That is O(documentation), just like nimbus.

Getting Started

Please see the getting started wiki page or the tutorial Your First ObjectiveHub App (or the Mac OS X version of the tutorial).


Requires iOS 5.0+ or Mac OS X 10.7 during runtime and Xcode 4.2+ with the iOS 5 or Mac OS X 10.7 SDK to build.


ObjectiveHub documentation.


The project follows the git flow model laid out by nvie in his blog-post "A syccessful Git branching model". This means that all development occur on the develop branch and the master branch is reserved for stable releases.

Furthermore, the project use semantic versioning and there will be one tag per version as well as possibly a support branch. That is when version 1.1.0 is introduced a support branch for 1.0.x might be created as support/1.0 and so on.

ObjectiveHub contributors

You can help improve the documentation, code quality and feature list. Either by contributing directly to the project, filing bug reports or by donating to keep the development going. It is all greatly appreciated!

Source code contributors (alphabetically by last name)

Misc information

The project use semantic versioning and the git repository is maintained using git flow. As such all active development takes place on the develop branch or a feature branch (prefixed with feature/ followed by an identifier). The master branch is dedicated for the latest stable version.


The project is licensed under the "Simplified BSD license" (2-clause), for the exact terms please see the LICENSE file.