
A pull down to refresh control like the one in Apple's iOS6 Mail App

MIT License


__Notice: There's a new 2.0 branch where I updated the control for iOS7 plus I plan to do some interesting new features. If people could try it out so I can be sure I didn't break anything it'd be great, and report any issue you find, I'd really appreciate that :)

h1. ODRefreshControl


ODRefreshControl is a "pull down to refresh" control for UIScrollView, like the one Apple introduced in iOS6, but available to anyone from iOS4 and up.

h2. Installation

  • Drag the @ODRefreshControl/ODRefreshControl@ folder into your project.
  • Add the QuartzCore framework to your project.
  • @#import "ODRefreshControl.h"@

Important note if your project doesn't use ARC: you must add the @-fobjc-arc@ compiler flag to @ODRefreshControl.m@ in Target Settings > Build Phases > Compile Sources.

h2. Usage

(see sample Xcode project in @/Demo@)

h3. Adding a refresh control to your table view

To know when the refresh operation has started, add an action method to the UIControlEventValueChanged event of the control

If you’d like to programmatically start the refresh operation, use

Remember to tell the control when the refresh operation has ended

h4. Customization

The @ODRefreshControl@ can be customized using the following properties:

h2. Credits

ODRefreshControl is brought to you by "Fabio Ritrovato":http://orangeinaday.com and "contributors to the project":https://github.com/Sephiroth87/ODRefreshControl/contributors. If you have feature suggestions or bug reports, feel free to help out by sending pull requests or by "creating new issues":https://github.com/Sephiroth87/ODRefreshControl/issues/new. If you're using ODRefreshControl in your project, attribution would be nice.

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Top 0.84% on Cocoapods.org
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