
OpenCV Help Library for iOS

OTHER License


OpenCV Help Library

This library helps OpenCV programming on iOS. Currently, it includes a mutual converter UIImage <->IplImage. You can convert them mutually without complicated codes.

Sample code - Covert IplImage and CGImage

// Convert to CGImageRef from IplImage
CGImageRef p = CGCreateImageWithIplImage(originalSourceImage);
// Convert to IplImage(RGB) from CGImageRef
IplImage *duplicatedFromCGImage = CGCreateIplImageWithCGImage(p);

Sample code - Load IplImage

NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"testImage_Gray_PNG24.png" ofType:nil];
IplImage *original = cvLoadImage([path UTF8String], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);


  • BSD license

How to use

  • Import OpenCVHelpLibrary.h/m into your project.

UIImage OpenCV Help Library Additions Reference

+ (UIImage*)imageWithIplImage:(IplImage*)inputImage;

###Parameters ###inputImage The image to be converted to UIImage. ###Return value An autoreleased new bitmap image as UIImage. ###Discussion None.

- (IplImage*)createIplImage;

###Return value A new IpImage bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling cvReleaseImage. ###Discussion Output image is 24bit color.

OpenCV Help Library Reference

IplImage* CGCreateIplImageWithCGImage(
	CGImageRef imageRef,
	int iscolor

###Parameters ###inputImageRef The image to be converted to IplImage. ###iscolor Output IplImage's color type. You can use only CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR or CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR and MUST NOT USE(NOT SUPPORTED) any combinations of these types. Specific color type of the loaded image: if , the loaded image is forced to be a 3-channel color image; if CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE, the loaded image is forced to be grayscale; if , the loaded image will be loaded as is (note that in the current implementation the alpha channel, if CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR, is stripped from the output image, e.g. 4-channel RGBA image will be loaded as RGB). ###Return value A new IpImage bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling cvReleaseImage. ###Discussion None.

CGImageRef CGCreateImageWithIplImage(
	IplImage* inputImage

###Parameters ###inputImage The image to be converted to CGImage. ###Return value A new Quartz bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling CGImageRelease. ###Discussion None.

IplImage* cvLoadImage(const char* filename, int iscolor);

###Parameters ###filename The full or relative pathname of your image file. ###iscolor Output IplImage's color type. You can use only CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR or CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR and MUST NOT USE(NOT SUPPORTED) any combinations of these types. Specific color type of the loaded image: if , the loaded image is forced to be a 3-channel color image; if CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE, the loaded image is forced to be grayscale; if , the loaded image will be loaded as is (note that in the current implementation the alpha channel, if CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR, is stripped from the output image, e.g. 4-channel RGBA image will be loaded as RGB).

###Return value A new IpImage bitmap image. You are responsible for releasing this object by calling cvReleaseImage. ###Discussion This function supports the following file formats only,

  1. JPEG files - JPEG, JPG, JPE
  2. Portable Network Graphics - PNG


//#define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED  	-1		// not supported
#define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR       	1
//#define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH    	2		// not supported


