
An example iOS and Pebble app that utilizes the Forecast.IO API to show the current weather conditions on both the watch and the phone

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PebbleWeatherIO is an example iOS and Pebble app that utilizes the Forecast.IO API to show the current weather conditions on both the watch and the phone.


Important note, demo does not work on the iOS simulator: simulator cannot connect with Pebble watch thus you must run the iOS app on an actual device.

See Xcode workspace in /iOS folder for the iOS app. See Pebble.c in the /Pebble folder for the Pebble watch face app. iOS app requires a API key in order to work. Once you have an API key just create a PWForecastIOAPI.[h|m] file with the following line in your project. Be sure to replace the dummy key below with your actual key.



PebbleWeatherIO is brought to you by Matthew Morey. The icons included with the iOS project are from GLYPHICONS. If you have feature suggestions or bug reports, feel free to help out by sending pull requests or by creating new issues. If you're using PebbleWeatherIO in your project, attribution would be nice.